Sunday Stash Report, January 8, 2023


I did take a photo of my stash addition.  Trust me it is just above my words =^.^=  This is a white on white small star for O Say...Can You Sew!  I have not had time yet to put it on the top as the borders or size it up for the back.  You see I have been busy with the baby quilt.

Of course this is when Kosmo lets me.

He really hunkered down under the throat of my machine.  Letting me know he really wanted some Kosmo time.  I shifted to the right and then to the left...but...

He just wouldn't give up the prime spot and of course he knew it!  So I finish the week with an add and sadly nothing used.  Maybe the numbers will change for next week.

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 0 yards 
Purchased this week: 4 yards 
Purchased YTD: 4 yards 
Net used in 2023: -4 yards

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