Design Wall Monday, April 29, 2024

What I have to share is Kwak.  It arrived today from Kerry.  I trimmed away the excess batting/back and spread it out on the kitchen table to admire.  Thought you would like to see this adorable duck quilt.  Quite an achievement when these cross stitch projects are to this point.  I plan to use the same purple for the binding.

There is nothing on my Design Wall that you have not already seen from yesterday.  Kolonization has not moved further along as I had tried.  Instead I am still binding on the 2024-2025 Sunshine Opportunity Quilt.  Just a little bit more to go than it is back at the machine.

Enjoy these last days of April 2024!

Sunday Stash Report, April 28, 2024

I have been a bit busy this past week with Kolonization.  The blue part of the flag block is complicated, time consuming, and the cutting.  Lots of small pieces.  Once these are done adding the stripes will be a breeze.

I am all set to sew more together.  I was able to cut the last of the blue part to make a total of 20 flags.  I can easily get three or four done after kitchen clean up.  Tonight is a bit different though as we have friends coming over for Mexican.

Chilaquiles Casserole will be served along with yellow rice, chips, guacamole, melted cheese dip, and of course margaritas.  Rebecca is bringing the desert.  Should be a terrific meal shared with long time friends.

This block finished too.  It is coordinated by Jennifer for Sunshine's April BOM.

This is the red truck that I sewed up for Kerry.  After she quilted it she kept it for sewing on the binding.  Suppose this is what happens when you gift your friend who happens to be your quilter LOL.

Nothing once again changes my stash count.  Nothing in and nothing finished.  I am also getting around the 2024-2025 Sunshine Opportunity quilt with the binding.  Three sides done =^.^=  Just need another evening to complete it.  I have a big tote getting even bigger for Sunshine's May meeting.

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 33.5 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yard
Purchased YTD: 49.5 yards
Net used in 2024: -16 yards

Design Wall Monday, April 22, 2024

I started off the week with this block on my Design Wall.  It is for the Sunshine Retreat Block.  One lucky retreater will win all the blocks.  As usual this is if you want to participate.  The fabrics were pulled from my Mom's stash during my recent visit.

This is the Sunshine Monthly BOM where I am in sore supply of 30's fabrics.  Kerry to my rescue =^.^=  I have several to add deep in purple, she will be sending me a variety in red, blue, green, maybe an orange or yellow.

As mentioned yesterday, Kolonization is off and running under my needle once again.  With these two complete.

And these four cut out last night.  I have fabrics selected for another block, but it will need to wait until tomorrow.  These blocks take awhile to select the fabrics from a combined stash of Kathy and what I have in mine.  Then the cutting of all the pieces.  It may not seem like much, but you would be wrong!
I also fit in the preparation of the sleeve and binding for the Sunshine 2024-2025 Opportunity Quilt.  This quilt is beautiful and will look striking with the dark aqua binding.  Tickets haven't been printed quite yet.  Interested...let me know =^.^=

Until next time, happy sewing!

Sunday Stash Report, April 21, 2024

I discovered this cute pattern on the web.  A quilter had it made into bluebirds vs. sparrows.

Seeing this version I had to have the pattern.  It is called Sparrows by Pen and Paper Patterns.  The pattern shows 65 1/2 x 71, but I won't make it that large.  This will make up cute with the blue scraps and a bit of gold and blush and...who knows what for the three HSTs.  My blue storage bin could use a bit of thinning out!

During the purchase of Sparrows pattern a suggestion for this pattern Wolly Stars by Coriander Quilts.  Well it is also cute and came along with my purchase.  Look for these in the future.

I puttered and pattered around my sewing room this week getting ready for the Sunshine Guild's Retreat coming up the first part of May.  I also cut and sewed up two blocks more for Kolonization which I will share in tomorrow's Design Wall post.  

Today I am at the Padres baseball game.  Of course there needs to be a WIN!  The weather is much better than last week during the Billy Joel / Sting concert where we sat the second half in a heavy misty rain.

Nothing finished this week and no fabric came into stash.  Hope your week ahead is great =^.^=

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 33.5 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yard
Purchased YTD: 49.5 yards
Net used in 2024: -16 yards


Design Wall Monday, April 15, 2024

Katerskill is complete =^.^=  This is yet another UFO done for this year.  It took a long time to bind this quilt as I wasn't used to much more than small quilts lately.  I am not a fan of white binding, but Katerskill has it.  I have it in my foyer to admire through Memorial Day.

The second Story Book Quilt is complete too.  Remind me that I don't like a flannel binding...please.  It will please some child with its softness, but not my fingers!  I hadn't planned to make two of these quilts; who knows there may be a third some day in the future.

Kolonization is next up.  Time for some machine sewing.  Kathy was generous with her fabrics; now it is time to work with them.  You will see this project for a couple of weeks I am certain.  The stripes will be the next to conquer for these blocks.  First I plan to get the rest of the blue parts of the flags complete.  Kolonization is the last of the 2023-2024 Sunshine UFO Challenge.  It needs to be complete by June's meeting.


Sunday Stash Report, April 14, 2024


Another one complete =^.^=.  The Yellow Truck has already been gifted to Ray.  He received a baggie with scraps in October for his birthday LOL.  Finally, he has the result.  I like the way the yellow fabrics stand out for the month of July.  Ray plans to put it in his "car room" and bringing it out into the main part of his home during July.

Yesterday I went to Petco Park and saw Billy Joel and Sting.  It was a great concert with both artists playing all songs that are familiar.

Nothing running under the sewing machine needle yet.  Spending lots of time with binding and labels.  Hope to show something from under the needle next week.

Nothing to turn numbers this week.

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 33.5 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yard
Purchased YTD: 49.5 yards
Net used in 2024: -16 yards

Design Wall Monday, April 8, 2024

October Morning is complete...except I haven't thought yet of a name.  Without a name I can't make a label.  Without a label it doesn't qualify as a 2023-2024 Sunshine Quilters 2023-2024 UFO Challenge completion. :(  I am not going to make a label to satisfy this requirement.  I will just have to hold on to it until an inspiring name comes to mind.

I am working my way around Katerskill still.  It will not be done either to qualify for a UFO completion.  I am not going to make a label when I can get four labels on the expensive paper.  I do have a name though.

The Story Books Quilt and the Truck of the Month July are in a similar situation without labels.  Oh well next month I will have these to claim as complete.  Guess my valent attempts to get these done was a flop =^.^=

Sunshine Quilt Guild monthly meeting is tomorrow.  Hope to land more in the bimonthly fundraiser.  The drawing is tomorrow!  Happy sewing everyone on this Lunar Eclipse Day.

Sunday Stash Report, April 7, 2024

Two UFOs finished and ready for counting on Tuesday night's Sunshine Quilt Guild meeting.  I have another Story Book Quilts and two more Truck of the Month to bind, but they aren't UFOs.  Heads down on the UFOs!

Two more to go.  I will be working on October Morning first because it is the smaller of the two.  Katerskill is a big quilt =^.^=  Not sure I can get it done before going to bed tomorrow night.  I head straight from home to work to guild on Tuesday.  I will bring it one way or another, certainly should be started...

Nothing to turn numbers this week.

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 33.5 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yard
Purchased YTD: 49.5 yards
Net used in 2024: -16 yards

Design Wall Monday, April 1, 2024


Today is travel day.  I will be working on the Transportation cross stitch project during the flight.  I finished the train and nearly finished with the tractor.  I haven't looked to see what vehicle is next up.  The pattern instructions changed a bit from previous patterns put out by the same company.  I find them a bit more difficult to follow, but hey I know how to adapt =^.^=

Hard to leave family, but that's the way of things.  I will return in August and have more time to spend there.  I will be retired then!  That sure sounds nice.

Watch out for cute little pranks.  Happy April Fools Day.