Design Wall Monday, February 10, 2025


Look a bit overwhelming doesn't it?  These big projects take up the entire wall.  Starting with the sashing being sewn to the blocks...I'll be busy for awhile this week.  I had hoped to have it done over the weekend, but got too involved in a book and then there was the big football game!

The next time you see this project it should be in one piece =^.^=

Sunday Stash Report, February 9, 2025

The 2025 Cupid Box arrived along with the Finishing Kit last week.  I wasn't real happy with the collection of items.  The pattern is a cute one though.  It is called Flowers and Chocolates.

I got all the blocks for Krakow done by Thursday and the sashing done on Friday.  I have it on my design wall that I will share with you tomorrow.  Have a couple of completions to share too.



Have an add in the Jolly Box fabric, but nothing to have as used.  Soon =^.^=

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 24.25 yards 
Purchased this week: 5.75 yards
Purchased YTD: 24.5 yards
Net used in 2025: -.25 yards

Wednesday Workings, February 5, 2025


Today will be more of putting the units together of Krakow.  These are finished so far.  They will move over on my design wall making way for the remaining ten blocks.  I did do lots of tweaking between the units and there has been more of this already with the last ten.  Plus I am also doing a bit of squaring up of units.  I see a shot at finishing the top, perhaps this weekend.

Indigo Way is ready to climb onto my design wall next.  

I may be experimenting with my Accuquilt in making bias binding.  I want the binding to go diagonal on Levi's quilt, Kindly Kreatures, that is soon to arrive from Kerry.  Meriam at Accuquilt was very helpful in leading me to a tutorial on just how this is done.  All I need is 18" WOF, the die, mat, and courage!  ROAR!

Happy Wednesday =^.^=

Design Wall Monday, February, 3, 2025

I have the first blocks sewn together.  I hope to get back into my sewing room after Aqua Fit this morning.  I am anxious to get to more of these.  It will be nice to be at the place Kerry is; she has her top done lucky her.  Kerry's blog doesn't show it yet, but I'll bet soon it will be there.

Last night after dinner I started up on finishing a beautiful project that was started by my Grandma Alice.  There were four that I got from my Mom.  No telling where Mom found them.  This is the third one that I will finish.

Section B

All the applique pieces are cut, threads are all with the project as well as floss.  Most of the applique is done.  The kit is split into four sections (A, B, C, and D).  Sections A and D are the sides requiring no applique.  They contain the markings for the hand quilting design which are scallops.  Notice in the pattern photo the scallop finish to the top.  I have all the folded bias tape to finish it as well.  I have been wanting to take a stab at hand quilting...perhaps I will give it a go.  Section B (photo above) is finished. 

Section C

I will be finishing Section C first.  Grandma used a lot of techniques to put the applique in place, but I will be using needle turn.  Tonight before finishing for the evening I had four of the leaves down.  Each of the leaves get a dark green floss vein and some require a stem.  There is a use of dark green bias tape, but so far it looks like all of that vein work is done.  I am very happy to have something from my Grandma to work on as it reminds me of her.

Have a wonderful week =^.^=

Sunday Stash Report, February 2, 2025

 All week when I could catch time sewing the remaining units were stitched for my Old Town Bonnie Hunter Winter Mystery.  I am calling my version Krakow.  The first 15 blocks were put on my design wall.  A little fabric movement to get the best version block look ensued.  I will work on stitching these together today.  

There are another ten blocks to get to the design wall for the same treatment.  It does go real fast at this point.  There are still the Parts that make up the sashing; they will be the next part of the project to assemble.

There was no movement this week to my stash report.  Rosie's week of sewing is this Friday.  I can't think of anything I need...  Happy Ground Hog Day =^.^=

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 24.25 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Purchased YTD: 18.75 yards
Net used in 2025: 5.5 yards

Wednesday Workings, January 29, 2025


Everyone likes this heart block.  It is Sunshine Quilt Guild's January BOM coordinated by Pam.  The background fabric was provided by her and makes the hearts really POP!  The membership has a choice in either pink or red fabric provided from their stash for the hearts and the center square.  There will be a very happy winner at the February meeting.

I ordered and received the 10" square Accuquilt Go template.  I also needed a couple of mats for the new template and one purchased in Arizona while I was there.  I am a dunce though, I ordered the wrong mat for the 10" square template.  The correct size has been ordered; expected next week.

I have been sewing the extra units needed to make a full size Krakow, Bonnie Hunter's Old Town Mystery.  I should be able to get this project on my design wall over the weekend.  I got a taste for what mine might look like when I visited Kerry since she is ahead of me on the full project.  Unlike me she chose to do the full project from the start.

Greyson got his quilt today and Tiffany says he loves it.  Levi's will soon be on the way.

Enjoy your Wednesday!

Design Wall Monday, January 27, 2025


I can't be without a hand sewing project.  Children's Zoo is the next one to work on.  I purchased seven floss colors that is needed that I didn't have.  Once my cutting of extra units is finished with Krakow and Indigo Way I will be starting this one.

The novelty 5" fabric squares were cut by Accuquilt Go!  I got somewhat familiar with it during my visit to Kerry's.  One of the groups she belongs to had a Quilts of Valor project being cut with the Accuquilt Go!  As I have mentioned new dies were purchased during a nice sale.  I christened them and even purchased a new one that will be delivered on Friday.  I am all in!  Kerry shared a cute Lattice Baby Quilt pattern with me that will be used for the 50 charm squares.  I'll be using the blue fabric for the lattice.

First up today is to finish cutting the extra units for Indigo Way.  I have about four Parts more to go.  Then a bit of sewing and onto cutting the extra units for Krakow.

Have a special day today...because you are special!

Sunday Stash Report, January 26, 2025


Knockedout is complete except for a label.  Kerry finished the quilting during my visit with her last week.  I promptly put the binding in place and sat with the kitties surrounding me while hand sewing binding and sleeve in their final place.  The binding will be a surprise to any who see it!

I did a lot of cutting to catch up on Indigo Way.  This is Part 6.

This is Part 7.  I like how bold the red is in these hour glass units.

And the last Part 8 along with the Reveal.  I have decided to make this a full size project...really because I wanted to use up some of these fabrics.  This is a 2024 UFO.  I'm totally struggling with a name for this project.

This is what I have so far, 10 out of 100, needed for Kottages.  Pattern has been copied onto the right paper for sewing the next five.  The are small units, but fun to create different 2.5 inch houses.

I packaged Forest Friends up for mailing on first thing Monday.  The back will be the same fabric as the sashing/borders.  A very fun stripe will be the binding.  There are fun designs selected for this 2025 UFO project.  It will be for Levi who just so happened to make his appearance on Friday.

All is good with Levi and Mom.  My sister will be doing the things grandmas do for the next week.  Greyson is besides himself proud to be the big brother.

I do have a fabric purchase to account for, but a finish as well.  They will offset each other a bit =^.^=

Used this week: 5 yards 
Used YTD: 24.25 yards 
Purchased this week: 5.5 yards
Purchased YTD: 18.75 yards
Net used in 2025: 5.5 yards

Wednesday Workings, January 22. 2025

When I got back home yesterday Scatter Garden had arrived.  I am still waiting on the backing that has shipped.  This will be a fun project.  I love the fabrics.  This was sent as a quilt along project, but there is no quilt along to participate in; all good nevertheless.  I will start with Installment 1 and move through to build my project.

Today I am getting my sewing room and all the projects, fabric, and notions in place.  I have also been working on readying the Accuquilt Go for activity with Peeps 5" squares cutting.  Not to forget Indigo Way.  I am sure I mentioned that the full projects of Krakow and Indigo Way will be made rather than the half projects started out with.

I close with a win received at Sunshine last week.  The speakers had goodies to share with those who were present for the lecture.  I got a very cute strawberry FQ pack.  Several whites, reds, and a blue all with strawberries from flowers, to buds, to fruit.  Cute, cute, cute!

Time for me to catch up in my projects.  Enjoy the week and be mindful of all the fire issues across southern California.  We have been lucky in San Diego to date.  Happy sewing!

Design Wall Monday, January 20, 2025


Kerry pulled from her stash 5" squares to work the Peeps project.  We needed more yellows and more whites.  At this point a search of my 30s stash was necessary.  We may still need more from Rosie's, but we shall see once I am home tomorrow.

I have cut the Forest Friends project into blocks and will be using the Accuquilt Go to cut the sashing and borders.  Levi is due this week or by January 27th when he will be taken from Tiffany by C-Section.  She's so miserable and Levi must be pretty big by the likes of her.  I want to get this to Kerry as soon as I can.

Knockedout was quilted that I brought home with me.  I used it to pack the two Accuquilt Go templates purchase.  Very hard to see the quilting on this busy project.  There is a bunch of very fat cats in the border with black thread and a bubble pattern in the center with gray thread that you can make it out.

Before I left on Friday most of Indigo Way was sewn.  I did have a couple of oops! so it waited until my return to correct and move on in the project.  Come back to see where I stand on Wednesday Workings.  Happy sewing.

Sunday Stash Report, January 19, 2025

These fabrics were decided upon for Forest Friends project.  I tried to find a sashing/border/back that was more "forest animals", but that wasn't to be.  I do like the middle fabric for this job.  The top fabric will be for the frames around the blocks and the stripe for the binding.

Being with Kerry boosted me into several purchases.  All good Kerry!  This will be for a future stamped cross stitch project.  I have one that is Zoo Animals which will work nicely.  I'm not so sure that the green wordy fabric will be used, but one never knows.

Next purchase at the shop hop Kerry and I did during my trip brought with it the backing for the Bees On The Farm project.  I thought it was just a wall hanging, but not reading the pattern further had me purchase enough for a 69 inch square project.  Later, when reading the recipe, there is a wall hanging that is of course much smaller, there was an insert in the pattern that showed what the kit it came with contained; just enough for a wall hanging.  Going to be some extra backing, all good.

I picked up this very flexible light that attaches to a sewing machine.  It can run on a chargeable battery pack.  Wow the light it puts out is incredible.  This I will take to Maryland on my next trip to get rid of the darkness that surrounds my Mom's machine when it gets dark.

Next I found a piece of flannel for my Cats in Pajamas project.  It is one of my UFOs for this year.  These PJs need to be small so I am looking for small scale fabrics.  This I think will fill the job.  I have more flannels than I need so I can pick and choose which fabric works best.

I found this Spring project that Kerry and I both liked.  We combed through our combined stash to reach the 42 5 inch squares.  We might just have enough squares; needing only the background fabric to put this one together.

I took advantage of the Quilt Show special (30% off) picking up two templates for the Accuquilt Go.  It is a new way of thinking needing to be built into my thought process when cutting shapes needed in projects.  These two will be good to add to the few I have currently.  The 2.25 is what I use all the time for binding.  The three sizes (1, 1.5, 2) gives me a good start in sizes needed for most projects I gravitate to.  We shall see how this goes =^.^=

Lastly, these Christmas ornaments are perfect for my tree and Kerry's tree.  Both of us have lots of sewing related ornaments on our trees.  Kerry won't get hers until Christmas!  The tweezers are real nice too.  I will be adding it to my hand sewing tool bag.

My trip isn't over until Tuesday so come back and see what happened the rest of my visit.

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 19.25 yards 
Purchased this week: 13.25 yards
Purchased YTD: 13.25 yards
Net used in 2025: 6 yards

Wednesday Workings, January 14, 2024

I have Krakow up to the assembly of the reveal.  Not sure with this busy week that I will be able to put a block together.  This is the time when I will see what making half the project units will yield.  That is to say...will I need to make more units and of which part.  The bigger question that I will need to answer is whether or not I want to go for the full project.  Above is Part 6 finished.

Part 7 is finished too.  I am doing fair on the melon fabrics in my stash should I decide to make the full project.

Part 8 is finished.  Darn there were a lot of flying geese in this project.  I have no concerns over having enough red.

Part 9 gets back to the aqua.  There were 80 1.5 inch squares needed for half the project.  I used the drawn line method.  I have the ruler Bonnie Hunter suggested, in two sizes, it does make it nice, but drawing a line can be done while spending time with the family =^.^=

At this point I will be moving on to Indigo Way and catch up with the sewing.  Happy Hump Day!


Design Wall Monday, January 13, 2024

As mentioned yesterday, I didn't do much machine sewing this past week.  There isn't much to show on my wall except the five houses that are for the project Kottages.

I did catch up on all the cutting for Krakow.  This is Part 6.  Red and white HSTs.

This is Part 7.  Back to melon and neutral flying geese.

Part 8 is more, but larger, flying geese in red and neutrals.

Part 9 is the reveal with a little bit of sewing.  The aqua is back in play with neutral corners.

Now that all the units are cut for both Winter Mysteries, it is time to sew!  I hope to get deep into these parts later today.  Happy Monday everyone.