Happy Halloween Friends!
It's a beautiful day in San Diego. The weather folks called it right; Mother Nature cooperated to give us nice weather for the ghouls and goblins that will grace our doors later this evening looking for treats (or beware if they find none--tricks might be served instead)! We've got our witches cauldron of Hershey candy ready. Of course we've selected everything we like in the just right snack size in case there are leftovers! I love being home to pass out treats to all the kids. I'll admit that sometimes I'm not quite sure and end up having to ask "What Are You"?
I accepted the generosity of Memory Lane Quilt Shop in Santee with a gift of 25% an item during my birthday month. Well Bonnie Hunter says its a legal to purchase to get neutrals anytime...so no additional encouragement was needed on my behalf. I found this nice one that I brought home 3 yards of yesterday. I also have the last 2010 UFO to finish that will use mostly stash, but I will need a few white with red backgrounds to give me enough for the project. Add to my 3 yard purchase another 1/2 yard. Not really too bad, but you know I thought about reporting a purchase today.

I've been working on
Kreamed Korn this week. I've got all the pieced border blocks done as well as most of the other three blocks that make up the main block. I will finish them up in the next day or so and start laying out the pieces to determine what colors look best where. I will also start looking through my stash for yardage for the solid borders of which there are four. Three are light and one is dark. I'll use a dark for the binding. During this scouting what to use for the back comes into play too. I don't have enough ecru, yellow or orange to put together the approximately 72 10 1/2" squares that will be needed. Hmmm...what can I find.

I also fixed
Kollette and added to Kerry's Quilting queue. I'll selected parchment colored thread and a quilting pattern called Paradise.

Can't wait to get started with Bonnie Hunters Mystery Quilt Project that starts tomorrow called Roll, Roll, Cotton Bol. Yardage requirements first with the first clue out on November 19th. Enjoy the rest of what's left of October; Novmeber is upon us.
So my numbers for this Spooky Day.
Used this week: 0 yards
Used YTD: 118.5 yards
Purchased this week: 3.5 yards
Purchased YTD: 10.25 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2010: 109.75 yards
Go to Judy's blog at http://www.patchworktimes.com/ and see other Sunday Stash Reports.