Sunday Stash Report, November 4, 2022

I've been working on the sashing for O Say...Can You Sew! over the week.  If you look you can see some of the sashing filling up the spaces between the blocks.

This is what each of the units look like.  The pile of neutral strips combined with the 1" units in the bowl make the sashing that when added with the 1 1/2" squares just above the cutter make a star.  This is going to take some time for certain.  There are two more rows of blocks that won't fit on the Design Wall to add to this beauty.

I spent the day with Sunshine Quilt Guild Members at Summer's Past Craft Fair today.  We did really well with all the fun items that Members made for the event.  I'm told that we brought back a whole lot less than what was taken.  Success!

Nothing changes my numbers this week.  Come again and visit tomorrow and you will see what I have cooking besides O Say...Can You Sew!  Enjoy your week ahead.

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 184.5 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yards 
Purchased YTD: 62.75 yards 
Net used in 2022: 121.75 yards