Wednesday Workings, July 31, 2024

Katch completed Monday.  This one measures 71 x 83.  It is from Sunshine November 2023 BOM Win that was coordinated by Pam.  I used all but one set of blocks.  I did make several more sets and unsewed and resewed one block using the set to accomplish it.  Very pleased how this one turned out.

Kupuna Kane completed on Sunday.  It measures 43 x 43.  It is another Sunshine BOM Win from December 2022 that was coordinated by Tanya.  I had originally thought to make the green squares black and white, but after discussing with Kerry a different color was brought up and bright green fit.  The block is called Grandma Mae's Economy Block.  Hence comes the name that has two ties to the project using the more Hawaiian fabrics and the block's name.  Kupuna Kane is defined as an elder of grandparent (grandfather) generation of Hawaiians.
Lastly, finished is this project coordinated by Hallie.  It is the last Sunshine BOM Win to stitch.  It was won from March 2024 Win.  This one has a very cute cat back and will be a donation to charity.  I love the Cats in the Moon quilting design.
This is where I sit and wait for my Etsy shipments.  My Mom says right now Kanopy is looking like a stadium with the dark middle square the stage LOL...I agree =^.^=  It will all look right when the darker strips (seating LOL) is added.

I am preparing for sewing on Friday at Rosie's.  Sparklers will be the project that day.
With Sparkler scraps this very cute Sparkle Star will be made as well.  Might not be on Friday, but scraps are being gathered for it now.

Until next time =^.^=

Design Wall Monday, July 29, 2024

Yes an empty Design Wall as the day started.  I was cutting the units most of the day for Flower Wall an Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts free pattern by Andover Fabrics.  I started out with a bunch of fabrics using primarily the scraps of Kache.  I added here and there and removed the fabrics where there wasn't enough to achieve the desired size; added in more and continued until there was nothing else that worked from my stash.  Then I went to Etsy!

The two bottom neutrals in the second photo were a must have.  They both come from the Secret Stash fabric line "warms".  I had to remove four of the warms and not anything in my stash large enough to fit the size.  So I looked for either the Sweet 16 line or the Secret Stash "warms" line to fill in after the small flower fabric (just before the fabrics start getting dark).  When I cut everything I had to cut; I started in on the sewing.  This is the construction of the project.
I have gotten the first few rounds done as I close this post and do a bit of binding before the night is out.  Five Etsy orders placed that hopefully will arrive next week sometime.  There is plenty to do if I get to the point where a round needs fabric I don't have yet.  May well be time to get a Cuddle Quilt sewn up.  I know I have one kit waiting for my needle.

Have a great week as we move into August =^.^=

Sunday Stash Report, July 28, 2024

Kache is done and ready for sending to Kerry.  I am thinking a thread that matches the background of the outer border will do nicely.  Before I ship this 2022 UFO off though I want to finish a couple of other projects.  There is no hurry, except to have it done...done!  There was loads of fabric left over so I have picked up from my library of patterns another one of Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basked Quilts designs.  I'll leave you in suspense until tomorrow's Design Wall Monday post =^.^=

Kottages is a very long way from complete, but a start towards 100 Houses by Rina Curran is underway.  100 houses to be sewn, sew one up and 99 houses yet to sew!  As you can see the project is paper foundation piecing.  I need to go back and count, but a quick calculation would be 13 units for this 2 1/2 inch house block.  This project is also a 2022 UFO.

Working today on what I will share with you tomorrow...Flower Wall.  Fabrics used this week are due to Kache.

Used this week: 15.25 yards 
Used YTD: 149.75 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yard
Purchased YTD: 73.5 yards
Net used in 2024: 76.25 yards


Design Wall Monday, July 22, 2024

By the end of Friday all of the HSTs (400) had been trimmed down.  As I was trimming them they went up on the Design Wall.  Next I started off by sewing together the left side HSTs together on each of the blocks.  Then the top of the HSTs and the corner completed.  Finally the two HST sections were attached to the larger HST.

Today all 56 A and B units along with four C units that make up Kache are complete.  Next up cutting the setting triangles and arranging the top in an on point fashion.  I am confident this 2022 UFO will be wrapped up by the end of the week.  Oh does that feel good to say.

This is what the project Secret Stash by Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts looks like.  Have a wonderful week!

Sunday Stash Report, July 21, 2024

Star of Hope is finished.  This one was started in October 2023.  It was a free pattern by Bonnie Hunter in support of the Israel invasion by Hamas.  My plan was to donate and still might be if I can find a place that will accept the quilt.  It was every bit the project making the secondary block.  This is a paper piece project.

I also worked on two iris BOMs for my Mom to turn in at her next guild meeting.  Also a paper piece project.  The black iris is special to my Mom as she recalls her eldest brother, Kenneth, had one he was proud of.

Thursday brought these three projects to my door from Kerry.  I have them prepared for several evenings of binding work.  All three are finishes from BOMs that I won at Sunshine Quilt Guild.

All the binding can get going now that the airplane block finished.  Just one more of the several cross stitched blocks a part of the Transportation project.

Friday I spent a good part of the day working on Kache, but I will let you read more about the project tomorrow on my Design Wall Monday blog post.  Hope your week is terrific.

Used this week: 9 yards 
Used YTD: 134.5 yards 
Purchased this week: 3.25 yard
Purchased YTD: 73.5 yards
Net used in 2024: 61 yards

Design Wall Monday, July 15, 2024


Soon this will be my Design Wall, but for now this is Edyta Sitar's design called Secret Stash.

Instead this is my Design Wall!  Nothing to share here, but look at the top of my sewing cabinet...

I am using the same grouping of fabrics the Neutral and Warm FQ bundles from the Secret Stash Line by Andover Fabrics.  Of course I waited a bit too long to pick up the Neutral FQ bundle so I had to purchase what I could find.  Fortunately I stumbled upon two Neutral Layer Cakes which has been just enough so far.

I have already marked the center line on Unit 1 and Unit 2 neutrals.  There are going to be lots and lots of HST units to make.  Just 28 (makes 56) of both neutral and warm for Unit 1 and then 200 (makes 400) of both neutral and warm for Unit 2.  Yes, you did hear me correctly, 400 HSTs =^.^=  I recall someone mentioning how they dislike making HSTs...not me!  I am just loving stitching these fabrics together.  The neutrals are amazing in a selection of colors I wouldn't consider neutral at first glance.  They are for the most part subdued, but wild in pattern.  This pattern was a free download should you wish to make one of your own.  My project will be called Kache.  A 2022 UFO soon to be marked off my list of UFOs.

Yesterday was my first Book Club event.  Thought I'd share the feast that we enjoyed.  Thanks for the cooking Christine, Ellen, Kayleen and Grace.  There were other cooks in the group who brought appetizers and desserts.  A couple others had to leave before the group photos were taken.  The discussion of the book, The Housemaid by Frieda McFadden, was engaging.  We all agreed this is a book worth the read.

Happy week ahead everyone. 

Sunday Stash Report, July 14, 2024


Just enough of these fabrics to make a small charity quilt.  I had a bit of fun with the stripe border fabric.  Not the usual layout, but something a bit different.  Now to find a back.  I am thinking a blue binding will be perfect.

This design is called Chinese Coins.  It comes from a kit put together for Sunshine Quilt Guild cuddle quilts.  It was nearly done when I received it to finish up.

I have four placemats done that will be on their way soon to my niece.  She started one of them nearly ten years ago.  I finally finished up a set for her.  Each of these take four yards of fabric cut into 2 1/2 inch strips.  Certainly helped free up space in my 2 1/2 inch container.

Star of Hope is into a top less the inner and outer borders.  Need a Rosie's trip to find something that will work with one of the two fabrics I have in my stash for the inner border.  I should be able to get to this some time in the week ahead.

Used this week: 52.5 yards 
Used YTD: 125.5 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yard
Purchased YTD: 70.25 yards
Net used in 2024: 55.25 yards

Design Wall Monday, July 8, 2024


Star of Hope piecing is finished.  Now it is time to iron the blocks and assemble the rows.  It sure looks great.  Love the design, but I won't be making another one with the secondary block anytime too soon...probably never =^.^=

I need to select one of these two light blues for the inner border.  I'm leaving towards the one on the right, but this will depend on what the darker outer border will be.  I don't have anything enough in my stash.  There is a Rosie's gathering on 7/19 so I may wait until then or maybe (since I am retired now) just take a drive there before then!  

Yep you did read correctly; I am full into Retirement Mode.  This cute T-shirt that I have worn a couple of times now is a gift from Bonnie.  Everyone loved it!

These gifts came from Kerry.  I have been wearing this bracelet nearly every day since it arrived.  It goes with just about everything.  The mug is highly appropriate don't you think?

Mom sent me these.  The arrangement is live flowers in a beautiful arrangement that is tucked inside a paper vase and wrapped with a bow.  It is on my mantel in an attempt to keep two kitties away from them.

My coworkers sent me off nicely with a cookout on the patio at work.  I was happy to have such a great group of coworkers over the 37 years and 3 months with BAE Systems.  I received retirement cards and a special gift card to Starbucks.  Lots of phone calls from family and friends today as well as several toasts this past weekend to my career that comes to an end.  Thanks to everyone who made this day special.  Life is good =^.^=

Sunday Stash Report, July 7, 2024

I have been able to spend time working on Star of Hope.  I am nearly done!  With only sewing the blocks together.  Goodness, I have said it before about this project.  The secondary block does make the quilt, but it has been very time consuming.  I need to find fabric enough for the inner border, which should be easy in my stash.  The hard one to find enough of will be the outer border.  Both of these fabrics will be blue.  The inner border light blue and the outer border medium to darker blue.  Anxious to have this one completely done.

Guess what I will be working on the rest of my first days of retirement...  Nothing to change my stash today.

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 73 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yard
Purchased YTD: 70.25 yards
Net used in 2024: 2.75 yards

Design Wall Monday, July 1, 2024

Fabrics are holding out.  Not too many more of the secondary block.  I am about ready to add seven to my project.

These make the last ones to stitch.  It doesn't look like much, but I would say perhaps four hours to complete these...assuming that is uninterrupted time =^.^=

Retirement is just days away now!