Design Wall Monday. January 17.2022


Well what do you think of this aqua for the tiny sashing?  I know it is the right color, but is it too busy?
The fabric is busy; I think it works...will I have enough?  Next up the connectors out of the garnet.
These are for the little connectors...just 1" cut.  Easy to come up with this size.
These were all the setting triangles some left facing, some right facing, and the four corners.
These four are the fudging spacers as Bonnie Hunter calls them.  Two of the larger size for the sides and two of the smaller size for the top/bottom (I may have this opposite, but you get the idea).  These will work with a previous part to make the next border.

I had seven of these and just couldn't stand seeing the odd number on my design another one was made to make it even.  Is this OCD?  I don't know how many more I will want for my project, but for now there will be comfort to my eye when glanced upon!
Finally, Koastline has it's first vine ready to stitch down.  Let me tell you this was a challenge for me.  Without a pattern and only a photo knowing how the vine should softly curve around the border kept me from committing.  It did help me to put the leaves down first (the photo).  I ended up taking out four leaves; changing their placement.  I knew I would never be satisfied unless I did it =^.^=

I hope you have a wonderful week!

2 comments: said...

Kostline is coming along so nicely. The vine applique looks great. It must be rewarding to see your applique growing to perfection

Kerry's Quilting said...

The applique vine is looking good. Like your choice of aqua for Bonnie's quilt.