These are the majority of the HST units in the gray/color way. You can see that I'm a bit low on the reds and absolutely no variety on the orange. Definitely need to add and fix this with the remaining units needed.These are the majority of the HST units in the cream/color way. I did better on the red, but will need more. Bonnie only suggested a hint of brown so this should be enough. Probably have too many in the gray/color way.I have some of the cream/color units ready to sew. Will still need more though. Gray/red are ready to cut. Then I will need to ponder what else is needing.
The project has 16 leaf blocks, two in each color way (gray/color and cream/color). These are the other units used in the blocks. The big one is cut in half on the diagonal and a stem inserted between the two. I'm anxious to get beyond HSTs!
Enjoy your first week of May. Keep Mom in mind this week...
Looks to me like you are coming along nicely with this project.
Did I miss something about your mom?
I think you are the master of HTS, you sure have made your share of them. Look forward to seeing the first block.
Janet O - My Mom is fine. I was looking for the right words to convey remembering your Mom on Mother's Day wherever she may be.
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