Does this photo bring a suggestion to you? It bothered me to see not one, but two containers overflowing with scraps...all those important leftovers for a scrappy quilter like me. Well it was decided to empty the containers and bring my scraps under control =^.^= This is after the first container was emptied. Granted it wasn't nearly as full as the second container, but enough so that no more was going into it from another project start (or continuation from a UFO). Oh the feeling is grand to see it emptied and its contents managed.
This is the result of tackling the second container after one full evening of taming...
Kassy is showing you just how empty the container is now! Cats and boxes! It is true about them and if there is one around one can find a cat inside. All the scraps are ready for action with the next exciting project that needs them.
Korona |
I do have a completion to change the stats of my stash this week. I also have a name for my Unity Shelter-in-Place Quilt Along.
Korona sounds like an apt name, what say you? I decided to stop after Part 5. At this point it makes a nice lap size at 58" x 67". A white on white back is planned with a darker blue as the binding. There are some leftover units to use in the sleeve...but I'm getting ahead of the quilting! Kerry will get this project next week too. First though there is some ironing to do :)
Kavort |
Kuddles and Kisses |
Friday the postperson brought me
Kavort and another newly named project,
Kuddles and Kisses (aka Elvira). Look close at
Kuddles and Kisses quilting...choo, choo, and ABC, chug-a-chug, chug! This project is for Greyson my grandnephew that is due nine days from now! Don't look too close Tiffany... The black/white check strips on the right are the binding ready to prepare. Having
Kuddles and Kisses done today and in the mail next week is my goal. Greyson needs one of his Great Aunt's quilts!
Much of the evening on Saturday was spent putting more leftover partial blocks together to make the sleeve for
Kavort. There were lots of leftover units from
Kavort that I wanted to use on it somehow. Many were used up with a strip down the back, but five remained that became the sleeve along with some leftover back. The green strips in the back will become the binding.
So a good week with a lot of binding and a trip to the post office ahead for me in the coming days. I hope you have an opportunity to enjoy a picnic tomorrow in celebration of our heros both here and in heaven.
Used this week: 9.25 yards
Used YTD: 63.75 yards
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Purchased YTD: 14 yards
Net used in 2020: 49.75 yards