Wednesday Workings, August 28, 2024

Setting Triangles complete.  I had hoped to get these done before leaving on my trip East.

The only piecing left is the four Corner Triangles.  When I return this 2022 UFO, Kondensation, will be ready to assemble =^.^=

Check back to see what I can help Mom with as we sort through her stash!

Design Wall Monday, August 26, 2024


I have all the Block Bs done.  Lots of variety in these blocks.  They went together amazingly fast!

These are the beginnings of the setting triangles.  I need 40 of them; the first five are done.  These should go quick too.  After I pack my bag for tomorrow's flight East, there may be time to sew a bit more.  This project will be on hold until I return.  Kerry has five projects being shipped to Maryland that I am anxious to finish.  

The family is gathering and soon we will all be together to celebrate my parents birthdays and their anniversary.  Until next time =^.^=

Sunday Stash Report, August 25, 2024

I have been working on the final units of the A block all week.  I finished the 480 units with little fabric taken from yardage.  There is enough variety in these units that it seems unlikely that any two are the same.

Yesterday morning before we took off for Old Towne for the afternoon and early evening I finished making the A blocks.  Does it look like 120 blocks?  These blocks will finish at 4 inches in the project.  Today I will be assembling the 99 B blocks.  The block will take two of the B-1 units and one of the B-2 units.  Looking to get these done pretty quickly.

Laundry, DH haircut, and the beginning of packing for my stay at parents.  It will be a busy day today!  Nothing to report as changed this week.  Winter Blues (by Bonnie Hunter) will be a big reduction soon.  Enjoy your Sunday.

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 189 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Purchased YTD: 86.75 yards
Net used in 2024: 102.25 yards 

Wednesday Workings, August 21, 2024

Unit B-1 is done now along with B-2.  So that block's units are complete.  I am still working on the units for block A.

These are the fabrics I am working with to get the last ~80 units done.

The pile to the right in this photo is 36 and still there is more to be sewn.

Going to go digging for some more darker blues to finish these.

I did get the last of the cuddle quilts done.  This comes from a kit that Sunshine coordinated.  All caught up with binding!

Design Wall Monday, August 19, 2024

I am in production mode!  Winter Blues (2022 UFO) on the table...

Working through the main three units.  There are lots more to go.  The first photo shows the all blue unit.  I need a total of 480 units to make a 16-patch for block A.  I have 224 right now not counting what's in work.

The second photo and the one above show the blue/neutral unit B-1 in work.  I need 242 units and 138 are done so far.  The neutral unit B-2 is complete...I actually made 13 more than I needed.  Only 99 units are required.

Here's my done units =^.^=  I was surprised to get through all my blue scraps.  I have cut into yardage and will be cutting into yardage to finish unit A and B-1.  Here is what I'm working towards.

Hope you have a wonderful day!  Come visit again on Wednesday where I hope to have all that's left to make of unit A and B-1.

Sunday Stash Report, August 18, 2024

Kampfire is finished and already with Kerry for quilting.  This is one of four projects that will be shipped to Maryland to trim up, machine binding and sleeve in place, hand stitch the binding and labels and be complete =^.^=.  Speaking of binding...all ready too.

I also finished a portion of the 2025-2026 Sunshine Opportunity Quilt.  I don't have a photo of the design to share.  Perhaps if Pam reads this she can attach a photo in the comments.  I wanted to get these to Pam (who is once again coordinating the effort) before my trip east which is just around the corner on the calendar.  These blocks finished at 4 1/2 inches.

I have to finishes to share.  These two are donations.  The first one is for the Cuddle Quilts that Sunshine supports.  The second one is Konfidence that heads tomorrow to an Israeli Support location not far from my home.

The final fabric needed for the Twist and Treat project that is in my list to sew arrived.  With the leftovers from Kampfire for the background I can get started with the cutting.  Anxious on this project.

Look close to see the kitties toasting.  It is Happy Hour on this fabric =^.^=

The last to share is a purchase made from Rosie's.  The top green FQ is for Cats in Pajamas project.  I have lots of cats to make PJs for LOL.  The coordinating Christmas fabrics are just because purchases.  The first down from the FQ is the inspiration.  I'm going to look at the entire line to see if there is something else that goes with it not carried by Rosie's.

So I have purchases for Twist and Treat, Cats in Pajamas, and something Christmassy.  A completion in Kampfire.  Two feel good donations.  Finally a start to Winter Blues.  Check in on me tomorrow for progress on Winter Blues.

Used this week: 5.75 yards 
Used YTD: 189 yards 
Purchased this week: 4.25 yards
Purchased YTD: 86.75 yards
Net used in 2024: 102.25 yards


Wednesday Workings, August 14, 2024

Transportation cross stitch is moving along.  This of course is a police car.  Not certain why the designer decided to put the moon in the block...

The next block is a jet.  I haven't gotten to far yet.  Binding Konfidence has taken priority.  I have identified a place to get it to that supports the Israeli peoples.  After Konfidence there are two others that await binding both of which are cuddle quilts.  All three of the last quilts are donations.

Next project to get under the needle is Field of Greens by Kim Diehl.  I purchased the book Simple Friendships II by Kim Diehl and Jo Morton May 2023 at Sew Treasured Quilt Shop in Murrieta.  At the shop was a kit for it using lots of Irish clover prints.  Needless to say it came home with me!  I cut out the units for the 36 blocks.  Each package has the units for one block.  I'll be sewing soon =^.^=

I really love it when you can use up almost every bit of a kit.  This represents all that was left of the fabrics to make the blocks.  Someone in my Mom's guild is collecting selvages so I have asked Mom to find out if she wants more.  I'll keep them around with the project so that I can recover from any oops that might come along.

So how is your week going along?  Have a happy Wednesday =^.^=


Design Wall Monday, August 12, 2024

Spooky and Sweet has moved along real well.  This is Week 1.  My Mom says it looks like a marshmallow instead of a ghost with a witch hat.  LOL!  I think she is right =^.^=

This is Week 2.  The top star was fun to assemble.  The bottom two are a different take with the placement of the colors.  It is a layout that I haven't worked before.  I just love the way the violet works into this project.

This is Week 3.  Another marshmallow Mom!  I will be working on assembly of Spooky and Sweet today.  Week 4 brings the project all together for either a wallhanging or a door banner.  I will be making the wallhanging.

I did take a bit of a break to machine stitch binding on two cuddle quilts.  I have the sleeve to make before Konfidence binding is machined in place.  The projects that are headed for AZ then MD to finish all have their binding prepared.  Time for a bunch of hand stitching.  I need to decide on what project to start next =^.^=

Happy Monday everyone.

Sunday Stash Report, August 11, 2024


This past week I was learning all about the Accuquilt cutter.  The strip dye to say precisely.  I have the 2 1/2 inch one at this time, but plan to get the 2 1/4 inch soon.  Most of my bindings are started with a 2 1/4 inch strip at this time.  When I think back to my first bindings they were a whooping 3 inches.  I still have some of those quilts and wow do they look exceptionally large =^.^=.  I got the knack and some hints from Kerry about the ends of the strips not always getting a complete cut.  It's all on placement of the fabric so that the blades touch it all.  I'll practice with the next bindings.

More of the Wine and Whiskers fabric arrived.  These as you can see are the bottles.  I think there are two more to arrive this week ahead.  All that will be left is the background.  The pattern calls for a cream, but I may go for a very pale gray.  There will be some auditioning to come for Twist and Treat.

I met up with Kerry at Rosie's on Friday where these fabrics came from.  The top two are flannel FQs.  Rosie had a FQ sale that day where I found these two for the Cats in Pajamas pattern that is in my future to make.  I plan for all the cats to have flannel silly, but why not?  The blue is for the binding of Konfidence and the white is a stash builder.

Finished Kanopy, Sparklers, and Sparkle Star during the week.  A good week!  Progress on Spooky and Sweet is tomorrow's post.  Enjoy your week.

Used this week: 24.75 yards 
Used YTD: 183.25 yards 
Purchased this week: 5 yards
Purchased YTD: 82.5 yards
Net used in 2024: 100.75 yards

Wednesday Workings, August 7, 2024

Getting around to this mystery by Fat Quarter Shop called Spooky and Sweet.

As you can see not far presently.  These three units start Week 1.

Weeks 2 and 3 are cut.  Ready when I am done with Week 1.  Don't you love the top fabric?  All the fabrics of this mystery are solids which intrigued me.  This is only the second project I can recall that uses only solids.  It is of course Halloween so what is not to like I ask you!

I have also ordered the novelty fabrics needed for this cute design.  It is in the current Fall issue of McCall's Quilting called Twist and Treat.  I have found that usually the fabrics are nearly impossible to locate when the magazines come out.  The Whiskers and Wine line by Northcott was just too cute not to try to find it.  Through ebay and Etsy sellers I located enough of three fabrics.  I will be replacing the white cats in the top with what you see in the black squares and placing the white zig zaggy blocks with what you see in the black squares.  I found the border and believe this is the most important part of the look.  The pattern uses a simple nine patch with a twist and turn trimming.  The challenge if there were one to be considered is the mitered outer border.  It will make a lap size quilt at 45 by 54.  

The first two fabrics have arrived and the third should be here by Saturday.  So much fun!

Also ordered more of Carol Doak's Foundation Paper.  It is hard to locate a local shop that carries this paper.  I have been getting it via Amazon for sometime now.

Did you think I had stopped cross stitching?  Think again =^.^=  The school bus is complete and the police car started.  I think that makes five more to stitch in this project called Transportation.

Last, but certainly not any less exciting is this new machine.  It is on a permanent loan from Vikki.  She had a few dyes that I plan to add to the collection.  I have to learn how to use it first.  Will start with some simple 2 1/2 inch strips for binding two Sunshine cuddle quilts for charities.

So what is happening this hump day for you =^.^=


Design Wall Monday, August 5, 2024


Happy to be finished with Kanopy (Flower Wall by Edyta Sitar).  This was an unexpected project made mostly from the scraps of Kache.  I made a cutting mistake which had me remove the center square that is to match the outer triangles.  I didn't have enough scraps left to recut the triangles.  I do like the result of the change in fabrics.  The back for Kanopy is from one of Sunshine's sponsors, Fantabulous Backs.  I used all of the Etsy fabrics recently purchased except one.  Yeah!  Fabric in and fabric out!

Kanopy, Kache, Sparklers (not named yet), and one other project that I will be sharing with you on Wednesday will be quilted and sent to me in Maryland to finish.  I head that way later this month to celebrate a couple of birthdays, an anniversary, and be with family.  Will need something to occupy my longer stay.

Have a perfect week =^.^=

Sunday Stash Report, August 4, 2024


I joined the girls at Rosie's sewing on Friday since Pat was not attending.  So I was prepared to sew the 2024 Liberty Box projects.  I have been working to cut out a couple of projects to have ready for the unexpected opportunities to sew away from my sewing room.  Since I had cut out the main project, Sparkers, this cute tiny project was to be made with the scraps.  I found online where I could purchase two more of the star hanging bar so I made three.  I will be giving two of them as gifts.

The main project, Sparklers by Fat Quarter Shop 2024 Liberty Box, starts with a panel then adds strips an inner border, a pieced border then an outside border to match the inner border.  Of course adding an outside border makes this project larger.  I liked the look after the pieced border so this is where I stopped.  The tiny red flower in the outside border will be the binding.

Saturday brought me a package from Kerry.  Konfidence and two Sunshine charity quilts arrived.  I hope to donate Konfidence as it was intended to a synagogue in the area.  It was started in October 2023 to support the Israel invasion by Hamas.  I am hopeful that it might be raffled to gain monetary support for those who still struggle.  A darker blue will be used for its binding.  A rust and more blue will be used for the two charity quilts.

I had to find more fabric to continue Kanopy.  Etsy to my rescue =^.^=  The fabrics from various sellers started arriving Wednesday.  Sometimes the sellers include little gifts too.  The more red in the last photo is too light and will find its way to stash for another project.

I had a seller's coupon so this cute blue print along with a seller's treat came to my door too.  At the end of the week I can claim some used and some purchased.  Not a bad week...I used more than I purchased =^.^=

Used this week: 8.75 yards 
Used YTD: 158.5 yards 
Purchased this week: 4 yards
Purchased YTD: 77.5 yards
Net used in 2024: 81 yards