Design Wall Monday, April 4, 2022

Turkey Trot!  The top is on the right.  I have sewn the outer border pieces together and then attached them to the center.  On the right is a third turkey that was ready for the wall hanging, but it turned out too long to fit the space.  I went down to two and will be putting this one on the back with other fabrics from the fabric line.  I also used up the remaining 2 1/2" squares.  The binding will be yet another from the fabric line.  It is a burgundy with beige leaves.

The last part of making the top is the appliqued legs stitched down.  The top one on the top shows how they are to be placed.  I still have the Avery label paper on holding the shape to follow for stitching.

I am in search of a name for this project...  So far I have learned there are seven types of turkeys, females don't need males to produce off spring, turkeys have better eye sight than humans, turkeys can recall voices.  Hmm...lots of trivia here, but nothing so far comes to mind that is useful for a name.

Hope your week ahead is full of things you love to do =^.^= 


2 comments: said...

You will figure out a good name. Karen will help.

Janet O. said...

A very cute holiday wall hanging. Wow, that is a tricky one to name. I will be curious to see what you end up with.