Sunday Stash Report, May 6, 2018

This is where I was on Friday with Kandiyohi.  That pile of Part 2s under the needle and about the same amount still moving through.  This was the first side of the Flying Geese unit.

Saturday came time to trim and ready for the second side of the Flying Geese unit...

Here they are with the second side ready for me to trim this morning.  The weather has certainly been lovely in San Diego.  I've moved the marking and trimming out of my sewing room to enjoy it more.  I would move everything outside because I could but the breeze would make it a bit difficult.

Part 3s units have the diagonal line on the neutral 2" piece.  I will be making this part of the On Ringo Lake Winter Mystery today.

It is a bit difficult to tell but these two similar units are to be sewn.  120 of each kind.  Can you see that the sewing lines on the top are headed left and the bottom one is headed right?

So I leave with a day of sewing ahead and nothing to change the Stash Report for this beautiful day in San Diego!

Used this week:  0 yards
Used YTD:  44.75 yards
Purchased this week:  0 yards
Purchased YTD:  14.25 yards
Net used in 2018:  30.5 yards


Betty said...

Wow, see on.....

Nancy J said...

Pinks, oranges and some burgundy, lovely shades.