Sunday Stash Report, May 19, 2024


I finished Kolonization!  This is the last Sunshine 2023-2024 Challenge and a 2022 UFO.  I started working on this in partly in January 2021.  I purchased fabric, unfortunately not enough...  Along comes Kathy and Kerry to help me out.  Nothing like quilting sisters to help with their stash.  Mostly I needed the blues and some whites.  Kerry helped out in another way to with her AccuQuilt cutting all the stripes.  Quite different my project turned out with Grunge Seeing Stars Crème where Kerry used a navy.  Both projects look awesome.  Lisa Bongean sure knows how to design great projects.

This is the second top finished.  Elf Feet table runner by Block Party Quilt Co.  The kit came home with me during the 2024 RD2CA.  It has cute red jingle bells that will go on the tips of the shoes and a red and white stripe binding.  This is not a UFO, but I did want to sew it up before becoming one.

Finally, here's Better Together by Sandy Gervais for Fat Quarter Shop's 2024 Cupid Box.  This one also not a UFO, but another that was easily assembled during last week's Sunshine Retreat.  It really is a sweet project.

I am thrilled to move my Stash numbers around today...not the purchased, but rather the used =^.^=  So all together a big number to get me out of the red for 2024.  

Used this week: 31.75 yards 
Used YTD: 65.25 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yard
Purchased YTD: 57 yards
Net used in 2024: 41.75 yards

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