Design Wall Monday, November 14, 2016

Super Moon over San Diego
Did you get a chance to look at the Super Moon?  If not, tonight's the night when it is at its peak.  I saw it last night and plan to catch it tonight because I am not certain I will be around when it next appears!  

Yesterday I had planned to work on my version of Hopscotch, Knikknakk.  I've probably mentioned before that this project requires lots of cutting.  I was comfortable at the table watching football so I ended up cutting out the last three blocks.  Happy that is out of the way =^.^=

I didn't get too far into the sewing before it was time to call it quits for the evening.  This is the start of Block 7.  I imagine once I am back in the sewing room after my working day this block and probably Block 8 will be stitched.  Maybe even Block 9 will see a start.   

I need a strong light or better yet daylight to work on the binding of KooKoo Katchu.  The dark blue binding isn't quite as tough as black, but definitely somewhere close.  Love a binding project!  Maybe I need to start an applique project...what do you think?

Have a wonderful week everyone.  Hook up with Patchwork Times to see more fun projects in work from around the globe.


Linda in Arkansas said...

I'll be looking for that super moon tonight. Looks like you are really moving along with the hopscotch quilt. Beautiful KooKoo Katchu quilt! (I hate working with black - so I feel your pain with the dark blue.)

Nancy J said...

Super Moon!!! And binding, even dark blue is too hard for my eyes now, black a real problem. Happy sewing.