It has been a busy week. Also a short work week that is always OH SO NICE!. As I mentioned yesterday in my late Design Wall post, a second orphan project was in the works. I have it done now. The blue blocks were the orphans plus a few of the nine patch blocks. I spent the day digging out 2" squares from my scraps to come up with the rest of the units that were needed. Imagine my excitement to find this is part of the Sunshine UFO Challenge! It is #5 on my list. So now I'm ahead by two UFO projects in this challenge. This one and the earlier finish this week head to Arizona tomorrow.
I also got the second 2021-2022 Opportunity Quilt block done and headed to El Cajon earlier in the week. This is going to be a spectacular quilt. With a winner take it in June 2022. Doesn't that seem like a far away date?
Right now this is the 2020-2021 Opportunity Quilt that will see a new owner in June 2021. If you want a chance to win it just let me know. Tickets are available six for $5 or one for $1.
Earlier this week in FaceBook I posted how you could tell the difference between the three types of cactus - Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Easter. Of course this happens to be when the cactus blooms in the US. My porch is alive with pink!
It is pretty obvious this one is a Thanksgiving cactus. I took a photo of the two that I have; up close to see if Beth had given me a different variety. It is a bit new to bloom. I sort of think it is another Thanksgiving cactus. What do you think?
New Cactus
Time to start working on my 11th UFO for 2020. This one is by Laundry Basket Quilts called Variegated Thread.
I have a creamy background to use and will be pulling the thread part of the block from my strip stash. Each strip starts at 1" and will finish in the eight strip spool at 1/2". I'll be pulling colors from around the house so my smaller version will fit anywhere in my home. Mine will be three spools across by three spools long. Probably go for the more traditional oaky color for my spool holders.
Until tomorrow =^.^=
Used this week: 8.75 yards
Used YTD: 139.75 yards
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Purchased YTD: 23.75 yards
Net used in 2020: 116 yard