Wednesday Workings, January 14, 2024

I have Krakow up to the assembly of the reveal.  Not sure with this busy week that I will be able to put a block together.  This is the time when I will see what making half the project units will yield.  That is to say...will I need to make more units and of which part.  The bigger question that I will need to answer is whether or not I want to go for the full project.  Above is Part 6 finished.

Part 7 is finished too.  I am doing fair on the melon fabrics in my stash should I decide to make the full project.

Part 8 is finished.  Darn there were a lot of flying geese in this project.  I have no concerns over having enough red.

Part 9 gets back to the aqua.  There were 80 1.5 inch squares needed for half the project.  I used the drawn line method.  I have the ruler Bonnie Hunter suggested, in two sizes, it does make it nice, but drawing a line can be done while spending time with the family =^.^=

At this point I will be moving on to Indigo Way and catch up with the sewing.  Happy Hump Day!


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