Sunday Stash Report, October 27, 2024

Well I went and did it again...  I have a kit add this week.  I have also ordered the backing, fortunately it hasn't arrived yet :)!

These are the fabrics that come from Connecting Thread.  The pattern is called Garnets and Lilies by Kim Kiehl.  Once again it's Pam's fault =^.^=  Well truly I like lots of the designs Pam runs across.  Many thanks my friend!

Kendra is still on my design wall and under the needle too.  These are the outside borders ready for stitching.

These are also one of the borders.  The last of the borders is a dark green that has yet to be cut.  Closer all the time!

These four blocks will be corner stones.  I just need to have the time to put all the units together.  Maybe after aqua fit tomorrow.

These 10 1/2 inch squares will be the back of Kristmas Kandy Kollection.  I worked to grab from my stash for this back.  I completed this project early in the week.

So at the end of the week some to add and some used.  I best get busy the end of the year is just two months away!

Used this week: 8.75 yards 
Used YTD: 225.5 yards 
Purchased this week: 12.5 yards
Purchased YTD: 122.5 yards
Net used in 2024: 103 yards


Wednesday Workings, October 23, 2024

I am working again on Kendra these last couple of days.  Only the three middle rows of sashing are sewn together in the photo.  I was working on the placement of the blocks before sewing the other rows together.  I think the distribution of greens is pretty good now.  Next up sewing these rows together.

There is a solid dark green border that goes next and a pieced border than finally another pieced border.  The entire project will finish at 53 inches square.  Time to stop for the day and make dinner.  The evening will be spent trimming up some more units and drawing diagonal lines that will be used for the two pieced borders.

Since I shared Forest Friends project last these two blocks wee finished.  Hedgehog seemed to be lots more stitching than the Bunny, but looking at the photos it wouldn't appear to be.

I am just now starting the black floss on the Raccoon.  This block will likely finish tonight over TV watching...well that depends on what DH finds to watch.

Happy Wednesday =^.^=

Design Wall Monday, October 21, 2024

This project that I will call Kristmas Kandy Kollection by Fat Quarter Shop came in the 2023 Jolly Box (aka Christmas Candy Dish).  I have mentioned before how I like these surprise boxes that come from them.  The pattern recipe called for a denim blue as the background, but I preferred the green polka dot.  Took no time at all to put this one together =^.^=

I will be moving back to Kendra this week.  I have the sashing pieces put together already.  Next will be the blocks using the sashing fabrics that are part of the sashing and corner stones.  Should have something to share on Wednesday Workings!  Until next time happy sewing.

Sunday Stash Report, October 20, 2024


This is the setting I have decided upon for stitchery blocks made by my Grandma Alice.  Grandma Alice is probably where my love of quilting spurred.  My Mom's Mom is Grandma Alice.  I am like here; always needing to keep my hands busy.  My Mom believes these were stitched sometime after she left home so the timeframe could be late 1940s to early 1950s.  So let us say these are about 75 years old.  The Kim Diehl setting triangle fabric goes well with them.  I am attempting to bring these 18" blocks into a modern time without taking away from them.  My add this week is mostly due to the sashing and binding for this project.  This project will go to my niece Tiffany in remembrance of her Great Grandma.

The two brown fabrics will be the sashing and binding for Grandma Alice's project.  The stars are just because =^.^=

I had anticipated working on Kendra, but changed my mind wanting to sew it all on the same sewing machine.  Therefore...I picked up Christmas Candy Dish to work on during the past Friday's sewing at Rosie's.  There are eight different candy canes and eight different peppermint blocks.  The blocks have a few more units needing to be attached to complete the block.  I plan to work on these today.  This project is yet to be named.  Visit tomorrow to see my progress.
Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 216.75 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Purchased YTD: 110 yards
Net used in 2024: 106.75 yards

Wednesday Workings, October 16, 2024


Kendra is moving right along.  There are certainly many more medium greens than lights and darks.

These are the last blocks to put together.  I wanted to get all 36 done before using a different sewing machine on Friday, a sew day at Rosie's.

As you can see I did it!  The top row are all dark and the next three are on the medium side with the last four light.  These blocks represent all 18 green fabrics that came with the kit.  There is more of a couple of them for the sashing and the inner border.  The outside border uses a little bit of all of them again.  Love the setting design on this project.

Happy Hump Day =^.^=

Design Wall Monday, October 14, 2024

This is just the start of Kendra.  This design by Kim Diehl is called Field of Greens.  I have quite a few more blocks to assemble.  I just love Kim Diehl designs and fabrics.  I have my friend Pam to blame!  There will be lots more to talk about on my next post.

Happy week everyone =^.^=

Sunday Stash Report, October 13, 2024

Kondensation is done.  This design is by Bonnie Hunter called Winter Blues.  I've had it on my 2022 UFO List and FINALLY it is complete.  I'm using a back purchased at Sunshine when Fantabulous Backs visited that has a neutral background with a music score design.  Kondensation is a large project all pieces 1 1/2 inches in width.

Next up is Field of Greens by Kim Diehl.  This came as a kit from Sew Treasured purchased a couple of years ago.  I will be calling my project Kendra which means magical in Irish.  This is the first of 36 4 1/2 inch blocks.  The kit contained 18 different greens in various shades.  This is the medium shade.

Here is one of the first blocks finished.  I have a busy week ahead, but hope to make some good progress.  For now I am happy to have a big number reported as used!  Now if I can hold back later this week when I am at Rosie's from purchasing...  Enjoy your week =^.^=

Used this week: 19.5 yards 
Used YTD: 216.75 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Purchased YTD: 107.5 yards
Net used in 2024: 199.25 yards

Wednesday Workings, October 9, 2024

Working today on applying the inner border.  It is just 1 1/2 inches wide.  I am using a white with a pin dot in various shades of blue.  Another choice from my stash.  It was left from a challenge done with Sunshine a couple of years back and perfect for Kondensation.  The worst part of getting the inner border in place was cutting the tips off the top to make it square.  It always unnerves me to cut a top.  The photo at the top has me at pinning the top and bottom; sides already in place.

Here it is through the inner border sewing.  Next up adding the outside border.

The outside border is a pieced braid all in blues.  I am getting excited that this 2022 UFO is nearly complete =^.^= 

Have a great Hump Day!

Design Wall Monday, October 7, 2024


Forest Friends started.  I am on the Lilly pad as you can see.  Frankly, I was sort of surprised the frog was electric blue.  The words to all 12 blocks will be in the Lilly pad thread color.  

I spent most of the day getting ready for the Sunshine BOM hand out to be worked over the next month.  I only made ten kits because participation hasn't been that great.  This is a paper pieced pattern which keeps some quilters away.  It can be made in two sizes 12 1/2 or 6 1/2 inch.  There is an optional holly applique that I have adorned to the 6 1/2 inch block.  Hoping to get similar fabrics with everyone who participates a few useable sized fabrics are included with each kit. 

A friend sent me as a birthday gift this fun book that arrived today.  We are planning a lunch in the near future.  It has been a while since being together.  Our friendship goes back to the mid 80's.

My brother lives in Tampa so a bit of a worry for him and my sister-in-law as they navigate through Hurricane Melvin.  They are quite a bit inland from the Gulf of Tampa so they would likely only have strong wind and lots of rain.  He has prepared his home and pantry for a bad experience and is not in the mandatory evacuation zone.  Fingers crossed all will be good for them and his home.

Tomorrow is October Sunshine Quilt Guild meeting.  All set with my first meeting of the year since I was in Maryland for the September meeting.  It is an Ice Cream Social =^.^=

Sunday Stash Report, October 6, 2024

The Transportation cross stitch project is together.  All is set for getting it to Kerry for quilting.  I am planning a stripe for the binding and the back uses the same fabric as the sashing.  It really turned out nice and achieved the updated look I had hoped for with this vintage pattern.

This 2024 Spooky Mystery Box arrived from Fat Quarter Shop.  Some fun things were inside.  I like the quilt design and will use the rickrack someway inside the top.  Again this mystery box a finishing kit was available (yeah).  You can see it at the left.  So this is my add.

I have been working on things for Sunshine's October Monthly Meeting that is on Tuesday.  This meeting I will have available a cute cat ornament kit.  Hopefully members will take a kit and work on it during the meeting.  I am also responsible for the next BOM.  The BOM is from Sariditty (Sarah Thompson) design called Candy Stripped Holly Star.  I will be providing some fabric with each BOM kit and the member will add some of their own.

Kondensation is still up on my design wall.  Reporting Transportation and fabrics that are to be included in the BOM as used.  Hope you are having a fine day =^.^=

Used this week: 7.25 yards 
Used YTD: 197.25 yards 
Purchased this week: 4.25 yards
Purchased YTD: 107.5 yards
Net used in 2024: 89.75 yards

Wednesday Workings, October 2, 2024


The top is in one piece!  Next up is selection of a white inner border and finishing up the piecing of the braided outer border.  Oh my...this 2022 UFO is nearly done.

Happy Wednesday =^.^=

Design Wall Monday, September 30, 2024

Kondensation is consuming my design wall!  I will be continuing to sew it together.  There are still rows that need to be attached; those being in the middle to bring the two halves into one =^.^=

I have not spent too much time on the Transportation cross stitch project.  I did however start cutting the inner border pieces.  So anxious to get Kondensation done that this project takes a back door.

The first block of Forest Friends cross stitch project, the frog, is in progress.  It is a bright blue frog that will have green eyes.  I had not expected the frog to be blue!

Enjoy your Monday, Fall, and the last day of September.

Sunday Stash Report, September 29, 2024

I continue to work on assembling Kondensation.  The top is built in two halves since it is so big and with all these seams quite heavy.  There are still a few rows that need sewing to the first half (on the left).  I took off on the other half.  

There will only be a few more rows until this half is ready to connect.  Honestly I think the first half is more than half.  When complete it will be ten blue 16 patches across and 12 blue 16 patches down.  Next there is an inner border and then the braided blue border that I have also been working on assembly.

I haven't gotten back to working on the Transportation cross stitched project, but this is where the one yard add is for the past week.  I was so happy to find more of blue and white polka dot fabric.  This will be used for the one inch frame around each of the 12 blocks.  The red print is the sashing and borders with the stripe as the binding.

I did purchase the floss needed for Forest Friends; the next cross stitched project.  Skeins are up to .53 now in comparison to .10 from when I first started cross stitching many years ago.  So finishing up the ninth month of using and purchasing stash check out my numbers. 

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 190 yards 
Purchased this week: 1 yards
Purchased YTD: 103.25 yards
Net used in 2024: 86.75 yards

Happy Fall!    

Wednesday Workings, September 25, 2024

I am excited to start another stamped cross stitch quilt.  This will be for my next great nephew that will be coming in February.  Tiffany and Matt are having another boy.  I have lots of the floss called for, but quite a bit needs to be purchased.  If I get started now I will likely have just the right amount of time to finish.
Tuesday all 12 blocks for the Transportation cross stitch quilt finished.  This one is for Grayson as he loves vehicles of all kinds.  I have begun auditioning fabric for the frame.  I really want something like what you bad there isn't enough.  I love the look and will be searching for a similar fabric.

There are lots of colors in the blocks so many auditions.  I think the royal blue is a winner.  Now I just need half a yard.  The royal blue with white dot is just not enough; too bad.
I am also continuing assembly of Kondensation.  The unit on the top left is sewn together.  Pieces at the bottom are ready to assemble to the top section.  The project is ten blue blocks across and 12 down.  It will be sewn in two halves.  Going to be big and heavy moving across my sewing table.

I finished binding, sleeve, and label on Kanopy.  This project was a great way to use up scraps from Kache.  No more quilts to bind for now.  Two projects, Transportation and Kondensation, will be the next binding projects.

So what's going on in your sewing room this week?

Design Wall Monday, September 23, 2024

It's all about this 2022 UFO, Kondensation (Winter Blues by Bonnie Hunter).

Well I had thought once the outside border piecing was finished all the piecing would be done; assembly could start...wrong!  I remember Kerry telling me about her troubles making this project.  I was on the look out for something off...well I almost made the same mistake.  The sashing, clearly in the pattern's recipe, was lost on me.  I started putting it together and it just didn't look quite right.  Then I remembered Kerry's comment, looked at the picture and what was going up on my Design Wall.  Correction made!

Some of these units are sewn and some not so what you see looks a bit off.  Remember this is a Design Wall =^.^=

Happy Monday everyone.

Sunday Stash Report, September 22, 2024

Let me start with new fabrics.  11.5 yards new =^.^=  These fabrics will be for Twist and Treat.  It is the last of what I ordered and all that is required for this project.

The Transportation cross stitch project is nearly "cross stitch complete".  I am on the last block that is a fire truck.  The stripe will be the binding cut on the diagonal.  I still need the fabric to frame the blocks; thinking this blue dot from my stash might be a good choice.

Finally, FQs in flannel for the Cats in Pajamas project.  Rosie's had the $2.50 FQ day when I was there last.  Going to need to count up the FQs I have brought home to see how many (if any) that I need yet.

I finished off a patriotic top with a border for something my mom put together.  The patriotic stripe binding will finish this project off nicely.  Also cut and prepared a binding for the cow top while in Maryland.  These two fabrics come to a yard used.  

There is a big used coming once Kondensation is complete.  I have been working on the border the last few days.  Also cutting the sashing units.

So to document my fabric for this week.  Lots more came in than went out =^.^=  There will always be weeks like this!

Used this week: 1 yards 
Used YTD: 190 yards 
Purchased this week: 11.5 yards
Purchased YTD: 102.25 yards
Net used in 2024: 87.75 yards