Hi ya’ll!
I thought it only fitting (and a bit fun) for me to post here from Sandi’s blog since I have been staying here at her house during my visit!
You would love her house --- I know I do! There are yummy quilts hung on tall walls, something quilty around every corner! And she has two of the most adorable Abyssinian cats I’ve ever met! They are inquisitive yet shy…
Isn’t this little beast just gorgeous!? His name is Komotion--KoKo for short! Look at that coat! They are still pretty shy around me, but I know which one loves ice cream off the end of my finger!
This sweet little girl is named KAOS was so shy she was hiding up on the shelf in amongst the stereo equipment! Snuck in there and took her picture anyway!
We had a great adventure yesterday with the Whale Watching! We couldn’t have asked for better weather. And I lost count of the number of whales we saw after we hit 8….the only thing I’m bummed at is when I went to upload the little videos I did on my camera, I got “error” messages on them ALL

so I don’t know if it’s the software on my laptop that isn’t reading them, or if there was really an error. I’ll have to wait til I get home to see if I can get them to work from there.
We saw LOTS of playful dolphins…they are so fun to watch…speedy little demons, they love to play in the wake as we cruised…..I think they were my favorite!
We had some good gray whale sightings. It was amazing to watch for their blow spray and see their humps just above the waterline…you could kind of track their movement in the water, trying to anticipate where they would surface next for another breath. Fascinating!
Gorgeous view of the skyline as we headed out of the bay and into open water!
Can you see the lighthouse there on the tip of the peninsula? Such a lovely day!
This picture turned out better than I hoped! I now have it set as my desktop background…tall ships sail so silently, and are wonderful to watch! I bet this is just what the view was in the harbor 150 years ago and before.
windy and breezy, it was a great day for some sunglasses and a ponytail to keep whipping hair at bay!
The cruise lasted about 3 1/2 hours and by the time we got back to the dock, we were STARVING! So…..we walked up the road a bit to a place called The Fish Market. I had one thing on my mind…
FISH TACOS!! Oh, these were SO good bad! We sat out on the patio right up against the water and just enjoyed the view.
On our walk we also enjoyed such sights as:
Me, with a statue of a WWII Flyboy

at the Bob Hope Monument!
More of the other statues….can you guess which one is me? LOL! And you can see part of the ship MIDWAY there in the water behind me.
And this statue “The Kiss” was my favorite of all! Who wouldn’t recognize this statue from the timeless WWII picture? It’s HUGE!! Again, you can see the tip of the Midway there to the right in the pic.
And here it is at the pier. It’s HUGE! There are all of those planes and helicopters on top. I can’t imagine what it would be like to live on an aircraft carrier for months at a time in open sea. I’d love to come back and actually tour it the next time I’m in the area ---which will be January 2012! Be ready for me, I’m coming back!
The guild meeting was terrific last night and I have to thank the Canyon Quilters for such a warm and wonderful welcome. I wish I had more time to spend here, but I’m being driven up to Ontario this morning to get set up for the Road to California Quilt Show which starts tomorrow! Whooooot!
And a special thanks to Sandi for taking this crazy quilter into her home and sharing her space with me! Hope to catch you next time over at MY blog,