Tuesday was Sunshine Quilters guild meeting. It was the first meeting of the 2010-2011 Membership Year which always starts with an Ice Cream Social and Announcement of Officers. We have a great schedule of lectures and work shops...one of which is me in May 2011. I sure was honored to be asked, it will be my first lecture that will include a trunk show. I'm a bit nervous and excited all at the same time.
Now its Wednesday and the only sewing progress made so far on Koala is cutting more 2 1/2" strips to make more of the hour glass components and flying geese components. I did sew a little on Monday night after being disappointed with the Chargers loss. Yes they are always slow starters so I suppose I should have been expecting the outcome...always nice to hope for a win though. This photo is where I've been cutting my strips and pieces. You'll notice the surroundings. The two tote pans are part of my stash, the neutrals and the yellows (and purples in the back of this tote). Next is where I store my rulers and extra cutting mats. Then there is the surface where I cut or stage projects I'm working on along with my electronic picture frame that holds images of many of my quilts, family and friends (notice the Red Hat quilt?). Then above the surface are Kaos' Cat Show Ribbons and my thimble collection. The shelves are filled with patterns to the left and a variety of nick nacks that are either sewing or cat related in nature. There's lots more stuffed into this former closet that I had converted into a more useful work and storage area in my sewing room. I've been delighted with this investment since the day it was built.

Tonight is the San Diego Quilt Show Preview Night. I will volunteer a little bit of my evening selling chances on Sunshine Quilt Guilds Opportunity Quilt Golden Nugget and enjoy all the beautiful quilts and be tempted by all the vendors. You'll see if anyone got me on Sunday when the Sunday Stash Report is posted!
Have a wonderful rest of your week.
I admire how organized your space looks.
I go to the quilt show this saturday also so will see how sunday's report reflects all the shopping I will probably do. Busy on customer quilts this week so have used 0 stash so far, oh no!!!
Nice to have a whole room to yourself.
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