As I mentioned I got my EZ rulers last week. I've already broken them in working on my next project to use up fabrics from my green and neutral stash. I'll be using Bonnie Hunter's pattern My Blue Heaven. It is a two block quilt that needs 45 of each block. The quilt when finished should measure around 81" x 89". I plan to use 10 1/2" green squares for the back. Needless to say this one will bust some stash too. I'm still playing around with a name. I'll leave that for thought today and bring it to you tomorrow with more details on the project.
Used this week: 25.5 yards
Used YTD: 70.25 yards
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Purchased YTD: 0 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2010: 70.25 yards
Go to Judy's blog at and see other Sunday Stash Reports.
Here's Krimson Khat!

WoW! You are on a no-buy run. Great! I wish I could not buy fabric but I haven't gotten there yet. I am at the I'll only buy what I need to work on stage. One day I will be at the I have enough so I am not buying more at this time stage. You are fantastic.
You are doing great. I love Bonnie's patterns. Your stash busting is inspiring!
Wow I can't believe you busted that much stash this week. You have the same NET used as me and I have been at it all year.
No have not seen the Hancocks catalog. guess they don't have my new address, might be a good thing.
Getting so close on being done. I see you really did break in your rulers.
You rock! Love your numbers and your self control. Jane
Wow! 25 yards used and no fabric added! Totally ewesome. :)
love your Krimson pretty
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