Wednesday Judy and Jo identified the August challenges that will keep me busy the next 28 days.
Second from Jo's Country Junction Quilt Square Quilt A Long it's "Your Choice" from the Quilt Squares #4 pattern by Lori Smith. I decided the Double T needed to be made.

I continue working on Kaktus #6 on my list of 2012 UFOs. Looks like I'll definitely need more neutrals. I think a visit next to Fat Quarters Quilt Shop in Vista, CA is in order. #6 has yet to be called; sure happy I've had time to get a start on this one. Not sure I could have finished it in a month. You can look back on previous posts for where I am on this project or come back Monday when you'll see what's on my design wall.
Thanks for all your well wishes on my health. It is real slow but I'm getting a little better with each passing day. I worked this entire week making a a bit of the lost time from the week before. Wednesday I started massage with another appointment tonight. Physical Therapy is scheduled to start on August 20th. I'm told this will take some time and it's proving to be true. At least now I can sit at my sewing machine...that is of course if I'm not too tired from the crazy hours I've been working. I can't wait until tomorrow when I can sleep in and stay in my PJs until I feel the desire to change. DH has been great helping out with meals and clean up. Koko would have STARVED in the morning two weeks ago until I could get his can of Fancy Feast in front of him. I sure miss those DH prepared breakfasts this week :(.
That is another beautiful quilt you will be whipping up, Sandi.
Your Quilt Squares are all just great. I love each one.
I can send a few more KT neutrals that I told you I located after sending you the others. Would you like them?
Glad tha you are able to sit again at the sewing machine. I like the quilt, nice pattern.
Your blocks look amazing...loved seeing them all together!
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