I am working on getting the pieces of Kaffe Kisses into blocks. The first step is putting the halves of the units together, next the trimming...

These blocks have already been trimmed. I have ten done to this point. There are a total of 36 blocks.

Kalvert Kliffs is coming along too. The stack on the left have finished the first stitching. The stack on the right are ready for the needle. It is a rather swift process once the sewing lines are down.

This is the finished unit. Looks like I am on track for a finish of March UFO by the end of the month.
Nothing to change the stats this week either. Still have the red negative number to report...time for a change is just around the corner =^.^= Hope your week is off to a good start. See more stash movers through the links of Patchwork Times.
Used this week: 0 yards
Used YTD: 29.75 yards
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Purchased YTD: 33 yards
Net used in 2016: -3.25 yards
Your Kaffee Kisses looks great. It's on my to-do list along with a lot of the other Material Obsession quilts!
Love how Kaffe Kisses is turning out! I am enjoying how fun and different it is as it comes together. Good Luck with the UFO!
Burgundy with a lovely contrast, you are doing what we call" Great Guns" in getting all that done on time.
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