Here's a photo taken of Adel just after I gave her the Betty Boop Christmas Tree Skirt. When she arrived at my office I gave her the very festive package, she sort of had a double take that I'd be giving her something. Next as she opened the silly bag that wasn't cooperating...she didn't know what she had. Her first thought was a poncho...crazy girl. I of course quickly corrected her that it was a tree skirt. She was so surprised that she was without words. Later she sent the photo to other friends commenting "Yesterday I got a neat surprise from Sandi, she made me a Betty Boop tree skirt. I was so excited when I saw the little cartoon face, my hands were trembling. At first I thought it was a Poncho then a skirt, me in a skirt- no way...Sandi had to tell me its a tree skirt WOMEN...OH MY GOSH...How cute is that. I feel so special. (signed) Me. Miss Betty Boop Collector!"
Adel with her Betty Boop Christmas Tree Skirt |
I am still working on my last UFO. I didn't get it done on the deadline, but I have a plan for the setting that will require a little more sewing of pinwheels. It will be done this week for certain. I'll have pictures of it a little later. I am very excited about this project.
Looking forward to receiving Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll (RRCB) and Old Tobacco Road (OTR) Clue #3 on Friday. I'm still at half way point with OTR's Clue #2. BAE System Quilters December Meeting is Thursday. We'll have a little holiday exchange and a special lunch.
Hope everyone continues to have a wonderful week.
1 comment:
Looks like I lost that I just knew that you would get that UFO finished on time. But can truly understand, wow! you have so much going on. Adel's tree skirt is so darn cute.
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