Wednesday Workings, September 18, 2024

I am back to my sewing room after three week visit with my family.  The weather was hot, but mostly I was indoors during the hottest part of the day.  The second of the two boxes arrived yesterday with this project.  I made three in total.  One for Kerry, my mom, and myself.  Kerry kept hers to finish the binding and sleeve so that it can be displayed on the holder pictured.  I finished my mom's and it hangs just above her sewing table.  This is mine to finish up the binding.  Because the project is so tiny to start with; the binding double sided is 1.75 inches.  Pretty tight, but I managed mom's so I know I can handle this one.

Kanopy was also in the box.  There was some major trimming to be done before the binding was sewn in place.  Binding on now and hand sewing comes next.  The label is already to be sewn down too.

Friday is a Rosie's day.  I hope to get started on assembly of Kondensation.  This is how I left it before my vacation.  Anxious to move this project along.

Sunday Stash Report, September 15, 2024

Mom found this very cute cow panel on her quilt guild's free table.  I built it up into a charity quilt with fabrics from mom's stash.  She has a backing all ready to go.  I will be mailing back to her binding enough to go around.  With her team in Sherry and Dale it will finish up real cute.

This was on my mom's Design Wall when I arrived at her home.  It was a BOM at her guild an earlier meeting.  She mastered its construction and I'll assemble it into a top when I get home.  The border and binding come from her stash.  Again her team in Sherry and Dale will get it ready for a charitable cause.

The two strip sets are a gift; so no add this week.  I leave my mom's home with Moo! on her Design Wall.  Mine at home is still empty, but not for long =^.^=  I fly out tomorrow for home.

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 189 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Purchased YTD: 90.75 yards
Net used in 2024: 98.25 yards 

Wednesday Workings, September 11, 2024

 A few gifts to share with you thanks to my mom.  The first photo is a craft she found that will indeed come in handy when a solid surface is needed.  It is cushioned to fit comfortably in one's lap.  Handy Velcro holder and pincushion; plus several other features to use as one feels the need.
The strips sets from Keepsake Quilting will make into something nice.  I have no idea just what but with two identical sets it will be easier to choose a suitable project.

I'm working on two of mom's projects while here.  The next Wednesday Workings post will be from home as my time here runs its course on Monday.

Design Wall Monday, September 9, 2024

I missed having these done completely to show at my mom's guild meeting last Wednesday.  I really don't like to show until the binding is complete.  Just a quirk of mine.  Oh well, I ended up showing them trimmed down since I wouldn't be able to for their next meeting.  This is Kampfire all finished now.

This is Koretta all finished.

Finally, Kache is complete.

I finished my mom's BOM for turn in at her next meeting.  The blue was provided with instructions for the remaining fabrics.  The block is called Good Morning Sunshine.  I'm also working on another project that involves a cow!  More to come on Moo! in a future post.

Sunday Stash Report, September 8, 2024

These fabrics were purchased at $3 a yard.  Each one is a one yard cut.  The fabrics were donated to Wounded Warriors Project.  Volunteers at the Project prepared the fabrics and sold them with the profits going back to the Project.  The fabrics were made available at my mom's quilt guild.  Five totes all sorted by color were brought in by a volunteer and four totes (a bit lighter) will be available for another opportunity.  I didn't expect to purchase anything during my visit, but a good deal was hard to resist!

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 189 yards 
Purchased this week: 4 yards
Purchased YTD: 90.75 yards
Net used in 2024: 98.25 yards