Kandles is ready for quilting! This is a 2020 UFO that I'll be gifting to my friend Bonnie. When I first saw this design Yule Glow by Diane Harris in the McCall's Quilting Nov/Dec 2019 I knew I wanted to make it for Bonnie. The pieces were cut out sometime ago which made the making of it quick.
I started transferring the pieces to my design wall last Wednesday. As you can make out it is mostly HSTs. I used my cell phone to photograph the unit placement to my sewing table which was very helpful to keep track of all the HST placement. There is a particularly appealing quilting design that is shown with the pattern that Kerry will stitch out in this 27 by 33 inch project. Excited to have this UFO done!
Keeping the UFO projects going...Wooly Nutcracker is ready for a start. This is also a 2020 UFO. I'm using all fabrics from my stash so there is a change to the background and setting pieces (everything not nutcracker). The fabrics will be cottons and not wool. My sister Karen gifted me awhile back the gray on the top right that will be directly behind the nutcracker.
Since I haven't finished the 2019 UFOs yet :(... Back In Time is also to be started. It is a small project on 16 by 18 inches. Another modification to the applique for this one too. I will use cotton for the vines and leaves since there is no green wool in my stash.
So there you have what is to be worked on next and a completion! The stash number roll this week :) Hope you come back tomorrow for a visit =^.^=
Used this week: 4 yards
Used YTD: 80.25 yards
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Purchased YTD: 14 yards
Net used in 2020: 66.25 yards