Friday, November 29, 2013

I am excited to get going on Bonnie Hunter's Mystery today.  I did a little bit of cutting and will get to assembling tomorrow morning.

I first finished up the four started Block As of Kilowatts.  There are 50 to make total for the queen size and I have another 12 to go.  Today I stopped by Beverly's to pick up another six black/white and white/black prints.  Must keep the variety going.

I also picked up a solid red fabric for the binding of Kristmas Kollage.  I wanted to get the binding on for Sunday's football games with DH.  Don't you just love the quilting?

There will be more to share tomorrow as I get my Phaff humming on Part 1.  Hope you enjoyed your Friday.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

I have our contribution for today's feast finished.  Made a cranberry pomegranate terrine and a great banana cake.  Ingredients for the 7-Up rolls are gathered.  Champagne and cranberry juice are being chilled.  We'll be celebrating with friends today.  Anxious to see how the turkey is going to be prepared and what other wonderful dishes await.  I have a list of Thanksgiving Holiday trivia to share during our meal.  

Hope that your weather is cooperating, especially if you are traveling.  Have a wonderful day!  

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Just a little review!  I started pulling the yellows...
Next I pulled out the oranges and greens...
Tonight I finished with the blues and neutrals.  I'm really wanting a couple more wild printy whites, but I'm going to resist and use my stash...
My final selection for Bonnie Hunter's Celtic Solstice!
Ready?  Set!  Bring on the 1st Stitching Clue...  Get here quick Friday!!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Yesterday I showed the yellows that I pulled from my stash that I will be using for Bonnie Hunter's Mystery, Celtic Solstice.  Last night I pulled out the greens and oranges.  I will be looking at blues that will work later tonight.
The clock is ticking to have fabrics ready...  The 29th is just days away now!

Design Wall Monday, November 25, 2013

I'm continuing to make Block A.  These blocks take awhile to construct.  I'm doing my best to keep from duplicating fabrics in the block.  There are 37 pieces in each block; half are white with black and the other are black with white along with the black center.  I need to photo copy more of the foundation before I can sew the rest of the Block As.
My fabrics are holding out, but the next time I'm at one of the quilt shops in the area I may look for some more black with white.  
I took a little time away from black and white to pull the yellows that I will be using on Bonnie Hunter's mystery.  I have the green, orange, and blue yet to see if my stash will handle the fabric requirements.  Sure hope so!
Koko was with me much of the day.  Just like any cat...a good nap is always good!  Take time to see what other quilters are doing today through the links at Patchwork Times.  Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

Sunday Stash Report, November 24, 2013

I'm still working on Kilowatts.  The pattern is High Voltage designed by Annie Unrein.  I have 26 of the 50 "A" blocks done.  Its moving along quite nicely.  There is so much variety in my fabrics its fun sewing each block together.  Charmagne who will be Kilowatts owner just loves finding the variety with each block she sees.  I will be at this project steadily until the first clue of Celtic Solstices is released on the 29th.

I did a little bit of fabric building for a project that I will be making next year.  It is another fun Buggy Barn design called Crazy as a Bird Dog.  My sister named this quilt project a couple of years back...ready for it's name?  Krazy Koons as in coon dogs.  My project will be done with masculine looking colors in greens, browns, and blues.  I'll be having a very bright blue for the bird that sits on each dog's tail.  (That black print is a just because fabric =^.^=)  7 yards from Fat Quarters Shop in Manchaca, TX came to my door on Thursday.  They have some great sales that I find a bit difficult to resist.

So for this week here are my stats:

Used this week:   0 yards
Used YTD:  330.75 yards
Purchased this week:  7 yards
Purchased YTD:  116.5 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2013:  214.25 yards

There are more quilters using their stash.  Check them out at Patchwork Times.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I have 17 blocks of the 30 necessary for the 88" x 102" Kilowatts project in work.  I have many of the setting triangles done and all four corners.  This pattern by Annie Unrein called High Voltage is a little over halfway complete.  I have a goal for a minimum of two blocks each night, but a three day weekend is ahead for me...Look out!
Happy Hump Day!

Design Wall Monday, November, 18, 2013

FABULOUS NEWS...I'm so excited!  Both quilts that I submitted to 2014 Road to California Quilters' Showcase were accepted...  Korriander Kompass and Kartwheels will be on display in January at the Ontario Convention Center.  There is prize money involved!
87" x 87"
November 2013 UFO
 Kookaburra is finished (Licorice Allsorts by The Rabbit Factory).  Now on to Kilowatts!  
88" x 102"
Kilowatts (High Voltage by Annie Unrein) you may remember was started and thought to be finished earlier this year.  I had it in to work pulling off the foundation paper during my lunch break when along came Charmagne.  She was so excited about this project asking if I could make it larger for her daughter's graduation gift.  I had it put away until Kookaburra was finished.  Now I'm working on it for a December finish.  I've got a couple of weeks before the last UFO of 2013 needs to start and Bonnie Hunter's Celtic Solstice Mystery gets going.

What's going on in your sewing room?  See other projects thourgh the links at Patchwork Times.  Enjoy your week.

Sunday Stash Report, November 17, 2013

3/4 yards Memory Lane 11/12 for Kookaburra.

3/4 yards Paradise Sewing 11/14 for Kookaburra.

1 3/4 yards Bits and Pieces 11/15 for Kookaburra.

These are all the purchases for this week.  BUT I also have a finish!!!  Kookaburra is done.  Check out tomorrow's post for a full view.
87" x 87"
November 2013 UFO

So for this week here are my stats:

Used this week:  17.5 yards
Used YTD:  330.75 yards
Purchased this week:  3.25 yards
Purchased YTD:  109.5 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2013:  221.25 yards

There are more quilters using their stash.  Check them out at Patchwork Times.

Friday, November 15, 2013

70" x 86"
2013 UFO
Kloudburst is completely done.  All up to pace with binding until Kristmas Kollage comes my way.  Kerry mentioned on Tuesday when I saw her that it was on the long arm.  

I stopped by Paradise Sewing in Poway on my way from the office today.  Picked up three 1/4 yards of small scale black with white prints that are Kookaburra worthy.  I'll be cutting them along with the two I got from Memory Lane in El Cajon on Tuesday out tonight.  Still on track for a finish this week :).


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tuesday I finished up Kamp Kastles.  It was fun having so many quilts to show and share with at Sunshine Quilt Guild.  I was not at the October meeting so I had a trunk show!  Six quilts ranging in sizes from Kindergarten at 17" x 22" to Koda's Keeper at 66" x 71".  Sure was wonderful hearing how everyone had missed seeing me in October.  If you go to the side bar and select 2013 Finishes you will be able to see what I shared at the meeting.  It is the last six quilts.  Which one is your favorite name?

Wednesday I worked on Kloudburst's binding during lunchtime and will continue on it tonight.  Sure hope DH has something I consider watchable on the television.  Sunshine...I'm already getting ready for December's meeting.  When I emptied my mail box after work the pattern I ordered from Fat Quarters Quilt Shop in Vista, CA arrived.  Tiny Treasures from Pieces From My Heart designed by Sandy Gervais.  It will measure 16" x 16" when finished.  The sample was just too cute not to get the pattern.  Not sure when it will be made.  I don't think this one will become a UFO!  Get your thinking caps on for a name....

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Koda's Keeper
2011 UFO
66" X 71"
Koda's Keeper is finished.  One of the 2011 UFOs that is done in 2013.  It is hard to see it but there is a real cute quilting pattern used, a buzzing bee. Kerry did a great job as usual carrying out the quilting.  This quilt has a very special meaning to me.  It was made to go along with Koda, a quilt that was made for my niece Morgan.  Her Mom and Dad were to use this quilt on those cooler evenings when Koda kept Morgan warm.  Morgan's nursery was all decorated with bears and these two quilts fit just perfect.  I plan to keep Koda's Keeper until the right time when Morgan will know how special this quilt has become.  My brother would have been a great Daddy.  Love you always Steve. 

Koda's Keeper was as a result of the 2007 Block Exchange with Canyon Quilters.  These quilters helped me create a wonderful quilt. I'll soon be at Canyon to share with all of you.  There were too many bears to fit on the front so several of the blocks make up the back as well.

Debra Broyles
Carrie Reichart
Toni Selman
Collette McManus
Sheryl King
Babrara Friedman
Deb Mackay
Kathe McClellan
2008 UFO

64" x 85"

Design Wall Monday, November 11, 2013

Kookaburra is active on my Design Wall today.  I have all the units for the pieced border assembled as well as the four corner units.  After I get some additional small scale black with white print fabrics more sewing can be done to the center.  In the meantime, if I can't get the fabric I need, the border pieces are to be sewn into pairs so I will continue there.  I hope to get by one of the quilt shops tomorrow.  I'm anxious to have Kookaburra finished this week.

I found some time to put down the binding on Koda's Keeper.  I didn't get time to photograph, but plan to do this later tonight.  I'm very happy with how this 2007 Block Exchange Challenge with Canyon Quilters turned out.

Hope your week is a good one.  See other projects in the sewing rooms across the globe at Patchwork Times.

About Veterans Day...
In 1918, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, the armistice with Germany that ended World War I took effect.  Since then, November 11 has taken on special significance around the globe.  Whether we call it Rememberance Day, Armistice Day, Poppy Day, or Veterans Day - as it's known here in the U.S. - it is a time to honor the military men and women currently in uniform and to remember those who gave their lives in service to their nation.  Thank you.

First day is today with 11 designers.  Enjoy the fun!

Sunday Stash Report, November 10, 2013

I have another change to my Stash Report this week.  It is an add, but one that was necessary to complete Kookaburra.  There was enough of the right fabric in my stash to fulfill the inner border requirement not enough for the outer border.  Believe me I really tried.  Finding blacks that will work with a 30s feel isn't that easy.  A solid black Kona cotton is what I had for the inner border.  The more solid fabric above is what I will use for the outer border.  I have already put the fabric to use.  I'm busy making chevrons for the zigzag pieced border.
Kookaburra Zigzag Border
 There is one row of zigzag around the quilt.  That second row you see is just the start of the next row.  There is a solid black solid piece to match the inside part of the zigzag that will be sewn between the center and the pieced border.  Then a single piece outer border using that nearly solid will be the final addition that matches the outside part of the zigzag.  Binding will be from the solid black.  I'm on course to having Kookaburra done this week.
Kookaburra Center
Oh and that black and white print is to add to my stash right now without a project in mind.  I like the design of the print...don't you?

So for this week here are my stats:

Used this week:  0 yards
Used YTD:  313.25 yards
Purchased this week:  4 yards
Purchased YTD:  106.25 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2013:  207 yards
Last week I mentioned all the binding projects I had in queue.  I have the binding, sleeve, and label on the other three (Kamp Kastles, Koda's Keeper, and Kloudburst), just need something good to watch on TV!

Several others are working their stash...see what's going on with them at Patchwork Times.

Friday, November 8, 2013

I've decided to make a change to the name of this month's UFO project.  I was at a complete loss coming up for a name for this Licorice Allsorts project.  Earlier this week while looking at one of the pamphlets we get around the holidays for potential gifts I discovered the perfect name!  It isn't on a label yet so Kuibble has now become Kookaburra.  

It happens that Kookaburra is a popular licorice manufacturer in Australia...specifically black licorice!  How perfect is that?  Kookaburra is also a bird and there is even a kids song.  What a find!

Kookaburra Song Lyrics

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Merry, merry king of the bush is he
Laugh, Kookaburra! Laugh, Kookaburra!
What a life you lead
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Merry, merry, merry little bird is he
Sing, Kookaburra! Sing, Kookaburra!
Sing your song for me.
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Eating all the gum drops he can see
Stop, Kookaburra! Stop, Kookaburra!
Leave some there for me

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Counting all the monkeys he can see
Stop, Kookaburra! Stop, Kookaburra!
That’s not a monkey that is me.

I'm busy today working on Kookaburra.  I have all 100 main blocks sewn.  It is time to sew the three different variations.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 2013 UFO
I'm moving right along on Kuibble.  I still have only one main block of 100 together; it's the one on the bottom.  The three stacks behind are in various stages.  The second one up needs the last triangle added.  The third one up needs the the 4 1/4" and 5 1/2" strips along with the triangle.  You get the idea the last group needs the triangle, two strips and the final triangle.  This will make the 100 required.  Next there will be three variations assembled.

Today during my lunch break I will be making the last templates needed for the border pieces of Krossfire.  Yesterday I separated the paper foundations.  I will be ready for more sewing on Krossfire when Kuibble is a flimsy.

I still have fabrics to pull for Bonnie Hunter's Mystery...  Can hardly wait this week for my OFF Friday!  Enjoy HUMP Day!

Design Wall Monday, November 4, 2013

Krossfire Center
2011 UFO 
Krossfire Border Templates and Foundations
For this first Monday in November I have several projects in different stages in work.  I have the center done on Krossfire.  What is next is making templates for fabric cutting and separating the foundation pieces of the border.  The border is spiky like the center.  It will complete the stars on the perimeter with light and dark teals.  I will be putting this project aside to finish my November 2013 UFO.  

2013 November UFO
Kuibble is my November 2013 UFO project.  I will be using 30's fabrics; a first in this fabric style for me.  The block shown is the basic block.  I will be making 100 of these to start.  The then have additional pieces added to make four different variations.  Most of the cutting is done already.  More to come on this project in the days ahead.

This one is done, of course there was just this one block to do.  It is for Sunshine Quilt Guild's November BOM.  The design is Bonnie Hunter's Dancing Nine Patch.  Provided is the flannel brown sashing fabric.  Participants were to supply the 2" 9-patch fabrics.

My binding is queued up now too.  Kerry finished four quilts that I picked up over the weekend.  From left to right is Kamp Kastles, Kindergarten, Koda's Keeper, and Kloudburst.  I will be giving a better look once the binding is in place.  

Very busy sewing room this week with many projects.  How busy is your sewing room?  See other quilters navigating through theirs through the links today at Patchwork Times.

Sunday Stash Report, November 3, 2013

Did you remember to sleep in an extra hour?  I took advantage of our going back to Standard Time!  Of course what made it easier is that I stayed up a little later working on more Corner Units A and B for Krossfire.

Yesterday it was so nice to spend the day with Kerry.  It had been since the middle of September when last we sewed together.  We started out the day with a long awaited visit to Fat Quarter Quilt's in Vista, CA.  We both really love this place.  Kerry found quite a few fabrics to add into her 2nd Dear Jane project.  With a gift card from Christmas 2012 that I'd gifted her to use she was set.  I found some 30's fabrics to add to my November UFO along with cutest pattern.  Fortunately neither of us emptied our wallets =^.^=

My purchase bumps up one of my stats today, but it will soon be coming off as Kuibble comes together.  I'll be cutting 3 3/8" squares later today.

Used this week:  0 yards
Used YTD:  313.25 yards
Purchased this week:  0 yards
Purchased YTD:  102.25 yards
Net Fabric Used in 2013:  211 yards

Didn't my Monster Fingers turn out cute?  I took them to an event at work.  Everyone wondered if they were cheese w/jalapenos or green pepper nails OR white chocolate w/jelly bean nails...  What do you think they are?  Certainly yummy!