I find that I need something more to do! Bonnie's annual mystery Easy Street isn't keeping me busy enough...
My Mom misread the neutral string block swap instructions. (Is everyone on schedule to having them done by the end of January?) They are quite nice but she added in gray fabrics. Everyone will expect to get whites, creams, and beiges...not gray in their blocks. Since Mom used up most of her neutrals for these blocks I sent her a bunch of neutral strips for her to make new ones. I suggested different project ideas that she could do with these. She instead gifted them to me. Mom stitched these together very well. The colors are something I can sure work with.

I scanned Bonnie Hunters String Fling book and decided on Pfefferneuse. I'll add dark browns, grays, and blacks for the dark string block. Not sure what color I'll do with the hourglass blocks yet. Maybe as I put the dark string blocks together the color will present itself. It will be great to use up some fabrics from both of these overflowing totes. On one of DH and my visits to Old Towne in San Diego recently we both noticed a wall decoration that resembled a license plate. Printed was "Kwitcherbitchin". Seems to fit this project...what do you think?
Mom also sent me some Fat Quarters she won at guild meeting holiday parties. She sure seems to be lucky quite often! Mom feels a bit intimidated by her growing stash... Thanks Mom.