Cinnamon Spice is further along than this photo shows. I have another three blocks almost done, but can't get on the design wall to share with you. I had thought to finish this yesterday, but no. This one will finish this week. Excited to change my stash number next week. Any suggestions for a name?
I realized much later than I'd wanted that the Sunshine October BOM was needing to be sewn for the meeting tomorrow. I whipped it up in no time. Thank goodness it worked out that way.
As it turned out not many participated in the BOM, but I WON! I even drew my own name as the winner. Surprise, surprise =^.^=. I have made the Bonnie Hunter project using different backgrounds (
Kreppy Kins) so this will be fun to make something smaller with, well we shall see, black print backgrounds. Wish there had been more participation...what's going on Sunshine Quilters?
DH helped with the math to make a version of Bringing Home the Christmas Tree by Lori Holt into a 3/5s scaled down version. I just don't need another big project! I have test blocks of the trees and the car with the trees on it's roof. If they work out, which I'm pretty certain will, I'll be making my project in red and black cars and the same bright trees that are in the original design. I'm quite anxious to get this one going. Another one needing help with a name...

There has been a question in my mind about using the pinks in Bonnie Hunter's 2021 Winter Mystery. I like pinks, but think I might be happier with another color way. I don't often veer off from her color selections, but may happen this time. I surfaced a backing from my stash and found that most of the colors except the pinks are present. Instead of the pinks are salmon and orange. The Quiltville Blog shows other going in this direction so that's my present thinking. I'd love to use up this backing from a purchase on a SD Shop Hop so many years ago. It from a purchase a shop since closed in Chula Vista, CA. This one too with a "K" name!
Skip forward a bit to Tuesday night when I had a chance to purchase chances on Beach Cities Quilt Guild 2022 Opportunity Quilt. Isn't this a lovely? I've got my stake entered...wish me luck!
So this week has me working on the scaled down Bringing Home the Christmas Tree and binding Kristmas Kollection. Next week I'll share the recently completed Komplex Kontents and hopefully the bound Kristmas Kollection (rick rack and all).
We've turned the clocks in San Diego...getting darker so early now. Although we will be in for a hot weekend the weather for the most part is cooler. Hope you have a terrific week whatever you choose to do. =^.^=