This is
just the pattern for using up 2 1/2" strips. Kerry found it and I am happy she did. It can be made in several settings, but because my projects will be so scrappy I decided on this layout. In just a couple of days these 20 blocks are assembled and ready to be sewn together into a top. The pattern is called Broken Courthouse Steps.
There will be several more of these coming out of my sewing room. The units already pulled from stash ready to use for the second quilt.
This cute project is the result of a day with Sunshine Quilters making cuddle quilts for the charity the guild supports. The fabrics are from a kit that Tanya (the guild's cuddle quilt coordinator) assembled. The pattern is called Keyhole.
Today, besides getting ready for the second Broken Courthouse Steps, the units will be sewn together to make the 12 1/2" blocks for Wonky Wishes. As soon as I can get my hands on a good sale, 2 1/2 yards of a neutral will be cut for the sashing. I do like the design, but it is a bit labor intensive without a lot of fabric being used to clear my 2 1/2" strip stash.
Nothing to claim as used quite yet!
Used this week: 0 yards
Used YTD: 131.5 yards
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Purchased YTD: 48.5 yards
Net used in 2022: 83 yards