Design Wall Monday, May 27, 2019

Mom has been working on her Challenge project while I have been working.  In the evenings DH, Mom, an I have been playing Splendor.  It is a very fun game that involves jewels and nobles.  There is lots of strategy involved to become the winner.  Time is winding down for Mom's visit.  No matter how long her visit is, it is never enough.

I've been binding a special project that I can't share right now.  Trust me in that you won't find me too far from my sewing room...

Enjoy your week!

Sunday Stash Report, May 26, 2019

Today I have Princess Julianna done.  Along with a pillow case to match =^.^=

As everyone knows it is really hard to calculate fabric used in a project when nearly all of it comes from stash.  That said...I calculate 16.5 yards went into this project for a five year old little girl whose name happens to be?  You guess :)!

Used this week:  16.5 yards
Used YTD:  75.5 yards
Purchased this week:  0 yards
Purchased YTD:  37 yards
Net used in 2019:  38.5 yards

Have a great week =^.^=

Design Wall Monday, May 20, 2019

The princess quilt is done!  This raced job finishes so cute.  There is one small change in what you see.  The bird at the bottom right was moved down so that it is in the grass better.  I didn't put the project back up on the wall afterward.  Arrangements have been made to pass it to Kerry after the traffic on I52 calms down from rush hour.

Next steps for me are eyes, smile, binding, and label.  I should have Princess Julianna back on Wednesday evening.

Enjoy your week =^.^=

Sunday Stash Report, May 19, 2019

All the little goodies from attendees at the retreat.  We do have a lot of fun figuring out what to gift each other.  Just something small and inexpensive will do.  A few very clever items this year.

This is a photo of some of the ladies sewing away in our room.  I believe this spot was Marilyn's and I'm seated directly in front of her.  You can see the units coming together (yellow, pink, light green) for the princess quilt.  As heads down as I tried to finish Julianna's just couldn't be done during the retreat.  I'm going to call in vacation tomorrow to get Princess Julianna done.  Kerry is standing by with an empty long arm table waiting.  We know in advance the quilting pattern and color of thread.  Baring any unforeseen events I will pick up the quilt on Wednesday night for final touches!  Let me say that I don't want another sewing project to sneak up on me anytime soon.  No pictures to share with you yet...

Used this week:  0 yards
Used YTD:  59 yards
Purchased this week:  0 yards
Purchased YTD:  37 yards
Net used in 2019:  22 yards

Have a great week =^.^=

Design Wall Monday, May 13, 2019

I'm cutting up the pieces for the Princess quilt that is for a 5 year old girl.  Julianna is part of our extended family.  I received the request to make a twin size quilt for her at Christmas time from her Grandmother.  This is the one project that I need to finish this weekend at the retreat.  I'll pass it off to Kerry for the quilting and get it back some time next week for finishing work.  It needs to be in the mail before June.  Why ever do we get ourselves in these predicaments?

Sunday Stash Report, May 12, 2019

Sorry for all the fullness in this photo.  It really is not how it looks.  If you've sewn with linen you might understand better that it is hard to lay flat.  So the Knock Kneed is done...YIPPEE!
Winter-ific is coming along nicely too.  I have all the applique pieces that you see sewn into place.  There are a few satin stitches, chain stitches, and French knots yet, but this one too is nearly complete.

These two are my last 2018 UFOs to finish.  For this week I count Knock Kneed complete.  Hope that you had a great Mothers Day.  Mine was terrific spending time with Mom and then a barbecue of baby backs with a sauce my Sister gifted DH this past Christmas.  Yummy =^.^=

Used this week:  14.25 yards
Used YTD:  59 yards
Purchased this week:  0 yards
Purchased YTD:  37 yards
Net used in 2019:  22 yards

Design Wall Monday, May 6, 2019

Mom is coming to visit!  I've been getting ready for arrival.  My arms are waiting for embracing...  Oh, I love this time when I can spend with her.  Mom is usually here for Mother's Day which is awesome...  There are so many holidays that I miss being so far away.  Not this one =^.^=

Did you know that the top flowers for Mother's Day are Roses, Lilies, Orchids, Tulips, and Peonies?  Lilies are out of the picture for my home with the danger they present for Kosmo and Kassy.  I wonder about Peonies.  Going to have to check them out with dangers to pets.  Needless to say there will be flowers!

As for happenings in my sewing room; not so much.  I have all the flamingos done for Knock Kneed, so now it is decision time.  Should the black flamingo stay?  I think so!  Should my signature fabric go into this quilt instead of a flamingo that doesn't contain it?  I'm thinking so too.  That's what everyone expects.  I'll have time to get this together before Sunday Stash Report.  Anxious to change the numbers this week.

I'll be working during the weekend on Winter-ific.  Some hand sewing remains before I can call the last UFO of 2018 complete.

Have an enjoyable week.  =^.^=

Sunday Stash Report, May 5, 2019

I had hoped to get Knock Kneed finished, but other things occupied my time.  It is so close!  How do you like my surprise black flamingo?  They are a very rare occurrence!  Last sighting of one was in 2015 according to National Geographic.  I'm working on the ninth pink right facing flamingo in case the black one doesn't work out.  There is always the back!

Used this week:  0 yards
Used YTD:  44.75 yards
Purchased this week:  0 yards
Purchased YTD:  37 yards
Net used in 2019:  7.75 yards

Nothing changes the stats this week...but I'm working on it!  Have a great week =^.^=