Wednesday Workings, February 26, 2025


All the A blocks are finished, 36 of them.  Now I am putting together the borders.  You can see two partial sides.  Each consists of 27 units light blue/red.

These are all four partials.  I can't quite get all 27 units in each border across my design wall.  Next you will see the quilt coming together...but until then I'm working hard to have Kirilowii done by the end of this week.

Happy Hump Day!

Design Wall Monday, February 24, 2025

This is Kirilowii's A blocks.  There are 36 of these nine patch blocks.  The three at the top right are sewn together.

These are the next three being trimmed up.  Just a small sliver can throw the block assembly off.  It is a tedious process indeed.  I have pulled the other units off the wall and will be trimming tonight at the pantry table while watching TV.

Kirilowii is a 2024 UFO for me.  It is a Bonnie Hunter Winter Mystery from two years ago.  By the way notice the new tab on my home page.  I've created a list of all the annual mysteries starting with Mystery I, Carolina Crossroads.  I've got this one on my To Do list for this year.  It is in her book Scraps & Shirttails I.  I won't be doing it in shirts, but plan the same red, blue, and neutral colorway.  First though is finishing Kirilowii!


Sunday Stash Report, February 23, 2025


All the "B" blocks are complete.  There were 20 3/4 blocks and four 1/2 blocks completed since Wednesday.  Kirilowii is moving forward!  This 2024 UFO is well on its way to a finish.

These blocks will be for "A" blocks and the border.  There is one unit missing from the above photo.  It is the hour glass unit that is dark blue/red.  I have yet to cut the pieces to make it the full size project.  I will be getting to this tonight.

Nothing changes the stash count this week.

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 42.5 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Purchased YTD: 24.5 yards
Net used in 2025: 18 yards

Wednesday Workings, February 19, 2025

The first block, 2B is complete.  I used two different sewing machines to construct the units.  That said, there was a lot of sliver trimming necessary.  Next up is the 3/4 block of 2 (not sure if this is A or C).  Requires more trimming of the 20 that are needed of this one.  I need to recut the partial square in a square of the 1/2 block of 2.  I sewed the "wings" on the wrong way (note to self pay attention to the instructions).

Not much else going on except Kirilowii these days.  I will be going to Rosie's for a sew day on Friday where I plan to get the trimming and cutting of more units accomplished.  My Pfaff is in with Paradise Sewing for a long overdo servicing.  It should be ready on Saturday for pickup.  Until then sewing on my Janome that sort of fits in my sewing cabinet.  It is not the best fit, but works.

I have been making a bit of headway on both my Grandma's applique project and the Children's Zoo stamped cross stitched projects.  The first block is an elephant and is just about done.

Until next time =^.^=

Design Wall Monday, February 17, 2025

Getting the "B" Block together and cutting, cutting, cutting!  This project has lots of units.  First up is the B Block, 25 of them.  All the reds used in Kirilowii are one fabric.  There is a lot of variety in the neutrals.  I have a large neutral stash to pull from.  I have decided a 3 1/2 inch strip template for the Accuquilt would be a good investment.  Loads of strips to cut for Bonnie Hunter's designs (which you know by now I love).  

I started off with making more of the units in Part Two.

Part Five is the square in a square that came next.

Every evening I have been cutting enough to get from the half the size to the full size.  All of these are needed for B Block.

I have also tackled the dark blue/neutral HSTs.  Next up is sewing the B Block together.  I'll be back to cutting the dark blue/red hour glass units and the other red units the rest of this week.  Kirilowii is coming together =^.^=

Happy Birthday George Washington!

Sunday Stash Report, February 16, 2025


Kindly Kreatures is complete and soon to be on its way to Levi.  Three weeks has flown by since he was born.  I'm anxious for him to have this quilt in his nursery.

As mentioned on my Wednesday Workings post Krakow finished.  It too will be on its way to Kerry for her magic.  I have cut and prepared the binding which will be the teal color.  This project will be counted as used this week and checked off my 2025 UFO list.

I put the first blocks up on my design wall that is Kirilowii.  It is hard as heck to pronounce.  The name is true in that it is in the Indigofera family used to make the blue color of Indigo.  You may recall that I started this project making half the size.  Just like Krakow (Old Town) I changed my mind to make it the full size.  So again I cut units an sew more units =^.^=  Kirilowii will soon be a 2024 UFO completion. 

Used this week: 18.25 yards 
Used YTD: 42.5 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Purchased YTD: 24.5 yards
Net used in 2025: 18 yards

I hope you had a grand Valentine's Day.

Wednesday Workings, February 12, 2025

Hooray for my completion.  Krakow is done and I am so excited with the result.  This is the Old Town Mystery by Bonnie Hunter.  I have it ironed and ready for Kerry's magic.

These fabrics will finish the quilt.  The one in the back is a light teal and will be used for the backing.  The other is for the binding.  It is going to be lovely!  Another UFO (2025) beats the dust =^.^=

Next up is to finish last years Bonnie Hunter Mystery Indigo Way.

Design Wall Monday, February 10, 2025


Look a bit overwhelming doesn't it?  These big projects take up the entire wall.  Starting with the sashing being sewn to the blocks...I'll be busy for awhile this week.  I had hoped to have it done over the weekend, but got too involved in a book and then there was the big football game!

The next time you see this project it should be in one piece =^.^=

Sunday Stash Report, February 9, 2025

The 2025 Cupid Box arrived along with the Finishing Kit last week.  I wasn't real happy with the collection of items.  The pattern is a cute one though.  It is called Flowers and Chocolates.

I got all the blocks for Krakow done by Thursday and the sashing done on Friday.  I have it on my design wall that I will share with you tomorrow.  Have a couple of completions to share too.



Have an add in the Jolly Box fabric, but nothing to have as used.  Soon =^.^=

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 24.25 yards 
Purchased this week: 5.75 yards
Purchased YTD: 24.5 yards
Net used in 2025: -.25 yards

Wednesday Workings, February 5, 2025


Today will be more of putting the units together of Krakow.  These are finished so far.  They will move over on my design wall making way for the remaining ten blocks.  I did do lots of tweaking between the units and there has been more of this already with the last ten.  Plus I am also doing a bit of squaring up of units.  I see a shot at finishing the top, perhaps this weekend.

Indigo Way is ready to climb onto my design wall next.  

I may be experimenting with my Accuquilt in making bias binding.  I want the binding to go diagonal on Levi's quilt, Kindly Kreatures, that is soon to arrive from Kerry.  Meriam at Accuquilt was very helpful in leading me to a tutorial on just how this is done.  All I need is 18" WOF, the die, mat, and courage!  ROAR!

Happy Wednesday =^.^=

Design Wall Monday, February, 3, 2025

I have the first blocks sewn together.  I hope to get back into my sewing room after Aqua Fit this morning.  I am anxious to get to more of these.  It will be nice to be at the place Kerry is; she has her top done lucky her.  Kerry's blog doesn't show it yet, but I'll bet soon it will be there.

Last night after dinner I started up on finishing a beautiful project that was started by my Grandma Alice.  There were four that I got from my Mom.  No telling where Mom found them.  This is the third one that I will finish.

Section B

All the applique pieces are cut, threads are all with the project as well as floss.  Most of the applique is done.  The kit is split into four sections (A, B, C, and D).  Sections A and D are the sides requiring no applique.  They contain the markings for the hand quilting design which are scallops.  Notice in the pattern photo the scallop finish to the top.  I have all the folded bias tape to finish it as well.  I have been wanting to take a stab at hand quilting...perhaps I will give it a go.  Section B (photo above) is finished. 

Section C

I will be finishing Section C first.  Grandma used a lot of techniques to put the applique in place, but I will be using needle turn.  Tonight before finishing for the evening I had four of the leaves down.  Each of the leaves get a dark green floss vein and some require a stem.  There is a use of dark green bias tape, but so far it looks like all of that vein work is done.  I am very happy to have something from my Grandma to work on as it reminds me of her.

Have a wonderful week =^.^=

Sunday Stash Report, February 2, 2025

 All week when I could catch time sewing the remaining units were stitched for my Old Town Bonnie Hunter Winter Mystery.  I am calling my version Krakow.  The first 15 blocks were put on my design wall.  A little fabric movement to get the best version block look ensued.  I will work on stitching these together today.  

There are another ten blocks to get to the design wall for the same treatment.  It does go real fast at this point.  There are still the Parts that make up the sashing; they will be the next part of the project to assemble.

There was no movement this week to my stash report.  Rosie's week of sewing is this Friday.  I can't think of anything I need...  Happy Ground Hog Day =^.^=

Used this week: 0 yards 
Used YTD: 24.25 yards 
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Purchased YTD: 18.75 yards
Net used in 2025: 5.5 yards