... where I ramble on about my love of quilting with my work in progress, share some of my day's doings, and offer some sewing tips along the way... You can find my completed projects on my web page at www.kwiltnkats.com. Comments make me smile =^.^=...
Design Wall Monday, July 26, 2021
Sunday Stash Report, July 25, 2021
I have this one done now. Jovial is a free pattern by Moda. It has 3-Dimensional trees and pinwheels. Mine was made smaller to accommodate for the lack of more background fabric. This size is perfect for me since it gives me the opportunity to practice the 3-Dimensional technique and create a new project. I've yet to figure out a name for this 2021 UFO Finished project.
Next on my UFO list to do will be Kofi. I have much of the fabrics set aside, but only one unit less the center circle done, but I'm told it can be tricky by Kerry. Kerry took the workshop with me at Road to California. We were learning a new technique with this one too. I plan to set mine a bit differently than Kerry did. The options are endless on how one can set their units. Kerry's project is HERE.
During the week my Liberty Box arrived from Fat Quarter Shop. I'm happy with everything that came in the box...especially the Aurifil threads. Stars & Stripes quilt pattern are what the fabrics are intended to make that came in the mystery box.
Most of my time has been spent on Mistletoe applique so make sure you tune in on Monday so you can see where I'm at on it.
So there are some used and some adds for this week.
Design Wall Monday, July 19, 2021
Jovial is on the Design Wall. Yes it looks like a chunk is missing in the bottom right corner, but seams between all the units is not complete. It is likely that I won't need to cut into more of the border yardage...we shall see. I always find it amazing how much fabric is taken up in the seams alone.Yesterday I shared the pattern and fabrics planned for the 2021 UFO #7 project, but changed directions a bit. I decided against the gray fabric and went for the light blue. I also added in a second green. The gray would have worked along with the border, but gray in a Christmas setting just didn't seem to work in my head.
Sunday Stash Report, July 18, 2021
Wanted to get my seventh 2021 UFO started...and possibly finish before July turns into August. Jovial is my selection from my remaining 2021 UFOs.
Design Wall Monday, July 12, 2021
Now all the rest of the applique! The same "sprig" as what is in the triangle portion of the feathered star background will be repeated around the border. Eight "sprigs" on each side. At the rate of the "springs" in the center block this will take four weeks if I keep the pace. More likely I will back off a bit and work on another simpler project during this time, just to mix up techniques a bit.
I still need a "K" name for this project...any suggestions?
I have the July UFO to get started to keep on track. Maybe I will get Jovial started. Mom has sent me a bunch of neutrals that I can select from. Scraps for the trees and pinwheels shouldn't be a problem. Only problem I can see looming is the right border to mix with all the scrappy trees and pinwheels. I already have a back. Maybe I'll start with finding a border fabric and work into the trees and pinwheels =^.^=
Enjoy your week!
Sunday Stash Report, July 11, 2021
This is how my week started with Mistletoe. I stitched and stitched on the applique of the centerpiece to this project. Everyone has been wondering what was to go in the center green square. DH suggested a yellow smiley face...just like him to mention something so silly.
My much waited for threads arrived from Laundry Basket Quilts. I Christmas Collection as you can see from the cover is the project Mistletoe that I have been working on. I needed the reds for the red berries as my red threads were not the right shades. For those of you who don't already know the blue threads will be for Michigan when the time comes.
Design Wall Monday, July 5, 2021

This is the same photo of the center as the first one. Kassy's toes... I will be spending my sewing time with applique this week. It is a short work week for me; today being a holiday and Friday being an off Friday. Just three days this week!
Sunday Stash Report, July 4, 202
Here are the fabrics that arrived this week from Stitchin' Heaven. The blue will be used for the vines of Michigan that I spoke about earlier. The next two are the backs for Mistletoe and Michigan. Stitchin' Heaven had a very nice sale on Laundry Basket Quilt fabrics early in the week and I needed the backs eventually =^.^=
If you have any ideas on naming either of these two projects, I am all ears!
Starting the second half of 2021 here are my stash stats.